US: Anonymous rape tests are going nationwide

Story here. Excerpt:

'ELKTON, Md. (AP) - Starting next year across the country, rape victims too afraid or too ashamed to go to police can undergo an emergency-room forensic rape exam, and the evidence gathered will be kept on file in a sealed envelope in case they decide to press charges.
The practice is already followed at some health clinics, colleges and hospitals around the country and by the state of Massachusetts. But many other jurisdictions refuse to cover the estimated $800 cost of a forensic rape exam unless the victim files a police report.
"Of course we encourage reporting. That's what we would like. But when they're adamant they don't want to report—if we think, `She's going to walk out if she has to go through with this,'—that's when we offer it," Lenz said.'

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Rape hysteria has caused some serious violations to innocent men.

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The more appropriate name for this would be the "Anonymous Blackmail Kit." That is probably one of the ways it will be used.

The mind boggles at the other possibilities.

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Now hospitals are going to be accomplises to false rape accusations. Well, hopefully when this does happen, like Duke, the institutions involved will go bankrupt and gain the men's rights movement some exposure.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Any man that has sex with a woman leaves his DNA behind, and therefore leaves his entire life in the woman's hands, or more precisely - some other part of her body.

One bad mood swing after consensual sex, or a phone call to her that doesn't happen, or an old boyfriend that comes back, or a big need for money, or just an excuse needed for coming home late and the woman falsely accuses rape. Can you think of other excuses for false rape accusations such as this being a new gender feminist hate method to help destroy Patriarchy (all men)?

Leave it to the gender feminists to find new ways to escalate their witch-hunting of men.

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Comes out of your tax dollars fellas. Haha, isn't it wonderful, funding the Matriarchy?

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"Anonymous Blackmail Kit"... Got it in one... It will be one of the primary uses, given women's famous and universal untrustworthiness.

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All that women need to get revenge...The new Premsyn

Great...on top of the fact that a woman had 72 hours go to a hospital after a so-called rape, then up to two weeks to change her mind about whether it was consensual sex or not. Now a woman can get into a relationship with a guy and as soon as she has sex with him the first time without (or with sometimes) a condom, she can take the DNA to a hospital to have it freeze dried as "Relationship Commitment Insurance". Then up to 2 years later, if the man wants to break up, she can - without warning, go the hospital to "thaw" out his DNA and say he raped her 2 YEARS AGO!!!!!! WTF?? Women are aware of the misandrist laws regarding rape accusations. They know about the lack of a statute of limitations that allow this fraud. They know that they can just go to a police officer, point to a man on the street and say "rape", and he will get arrested and jailed, his name and face splashed all over the TV and News papers, without a trial or any evidence then after trial will spend the rest of his life behind bars and have to register as a sex offender if he is released later. He also will not be able to get a job, won't be able to live almost anywhere, is likely to be killed by some wanna be vigilante jack ass who randomly found his NAME, HOME AND WORK ADDRESS on the internet all while she is protected from being identified or crossed examined at trial regarding previous false rape allegation she filed in the past due to Rape Shield Laws.

So, to say that this new rape kit is because women are too ashamed to "come forward" so soon after the rape is complete and utter BULLSHIT!!!!

One conclusion you can gather from this is that not only are females under 18 not able to consent to sex, but grown women can't consent to sex either, so the law says.

Best thing to do if you are single, stay away from women as much as possible. Damn, you can't even use an escort nowadays without the law getting in on the "jail all men for being men" ticket. It's like America especially hates normal heterosexual men. It's a shame. And women wonder why they have trouble finding a man? HELLO??? The idiocy of this is that most of this crap is not even their fault, it's all because of men in office who are hungry for votes, paychecks, a good PR and don't give a flying s&hit about their own brethren. To hell with them. They can actually sleep at night in their warm and cozy beds and travel on their luxury yachts and enjoy life while 100's of men are behind bars(most innocent) because of their stupid laws. I hope they die horribly!

This rape kit, just like "rape by deception", "rape as a result of intoxication" and the soon to be "rape by aggressive staring" is just another ploy upon many to come with the purpose of jailing as many men as possible to reduce the percentage of the male electorate that would have voted these eunuchs out of office.

Marc Rudov always says that if we stop voting for anti-male government officials, we can stop this B.S. But who else is there to choose from that you are sure will not do the same things? .....that's don't know...because they all do the same thing, always have, always will.

With only 46% of the voters being men, prior convicts not eligible to vote and every 1 in 20 men being put in jail at an alarming rate while women almost never go to jail for the same crimes......trying to get these eunuchs out of office is completely hopeless and impossible.
Therefore, I just don't see an end to this torture. It is sad to say, but it is true, it's a systematic plan to keep men down.

This is why we need to form a labor strike to send these people a message. I know, I know, it sound a little contradictory of my above statement. But it is worth considering. This strike has the ability to cripple many industries in this country while in effect and can cause unavoidable choas and is over 90 times worse than a public transportation strike in a single city. If you want to know what I mean by this labor strike please email me at

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