Labor Strike For Men's/Father's Rights: Do you really want to make a difference or just talk about it?
Many Men's rights organizations talk about how they are tired of the anti-male U.S. justice system along with it's family courts. But, non of them seem to have a likely solution to all this bullshit.
It seems like no matter what any man does even as a group, the lawmakers of this country (the U.S.) continue to pass more anti-male laws and continue to let feminism and misandry thrive in the media as well as the court system.
Here is my idea:
If men’s rights groups across the country where to plan a nationwide men’s labor strike as a move to persuade lawmakers and big media to stop badgering us while ignoring our issues, do you think it is worth a try? Many labor unions have had there members go on a labor strike in order to get wage increases, better benefits, etc. and plenty have been successful at it. Sometimes the threat of crippling a company, industry or region and hurting the bottom line of big business (which in turn may affect some politician’s pockets) is the only way to get someone’s attention.
If you have never heard of the Men's Rights Movement or think that things are just fine the way they are because they do not effect you... then you must be on CRACK.
There are even plenty of women who are skeptical of the way the U.S. treats its hard working, self sacrificing men. So this is not just some misogynist ploy.
This is important for you, the sanctity of your family, your brother, sons, and grandsons.
Everyday this issue gets worse and we must ban together to try to stop it. If you think that you cannot make a difference, then you have already failed. Remember the proposal over the internet regarding a possible gas strike. The plan involved millions of citizens across the U.S. to fill up their tanks the day before and not purchase any gas for one entire day. The purpose of this plan would have been to stop gas prices from rising so fast. It would have definitely hit big oil's bottom line.
So why didn't this plan get carried out?
Because plenty of Americans thought the idea was "stupid" and would not work. It's notions like these that support how Big Business, Big Media and Foreign Suppliers think of Americans... that we are gullible people who are too stupid to organize and stand up for what we know is wrong and fight to have it corrected. The same goes for the men's movement and how the U.S. senate and politicians react to our issues as men. They KNOW that we are to absorbed in our money, chasing after women, violence on each other and football - basically not having the intelligence it takes to organize.
And, they are RIGHT. But you can change all of this, YES YOU. Imagine if every single man who thinks he can't make a difference decides to give this a shot, IMAGINE THAT.
Please send me your responses to or post them on this forum. I would like to know what you think.
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One day this action would be effective, however,... present the men's rights movement is too weak and too diffuse for such a protest even to be noticed. Remember our past "mass marches"? Our very first priority should be recruitment, however we accomplish that. We gotta get BIG. At this moment in time, there are probably ten times more male feminists than there are masculists--and that's a sorry state. We missed our big opportunity with Hillary's campaign: we had a very visible, public feminist target; concerted protest, letters to the editors, and generally making some noise could have made the public aware of us, and, perhaps more fulfilling, gotten the media to critically examine what the fems have been doing for the last 4 decades. But we didn't have the will, and we didn't have the bodies.
Again I reiterate: WE GOTTA GET BIG.
Need help organizing it? How
Need help organizing it? How about the Monday after Father's day, June 16. This is also the day that Apollo 11 lifted off for the moon. "One step for a giant leap for mankind."
Also, make it an international event, not just the US. Include all Western countries.
Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.
Need help organizing it? How
I Like It
It's definitely a good idea. I agree that we need more people involved in our cause before we could pull it off, though. Perhaps if we could recruit all the men who have been a victim of the anti-male justice system and get them to go on strike for a week, that would send a message out. Or hell, even if we organized into chapters, and protested outside of courthouses. We'd get some media attention.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Who is John Galt?
I've always believed that if men were to get together and strike nationally for a good 3 days minimum, the politicians would race to lick our behinds dry. Make no mistake, men are the engines that keep our nation as well as the world running. Without us civilization as we know it would cease to exist. Yes this would be a great idea yet first we have to strategically develop an outreach plan to somehow move men from the state of inertia and indifference they've resigned themselves to. This to me poses our greatest challenge in the men's movement. Let us know a place where we could brainstorm.
Did feminism or minority
Did feminism or minority civil rights "start big"? No. The civil rights movement was rarely noticed until one woman decided she would no longer sit at the back of the bus. we've been sitting at the back of the bus for too long. If 30 guys don't work this year, and 60 next year, and 100 after that we'll build momentum. We not only need to get big, we have to think big.
"Stop with all the negativity, Moriarty" ...Kelly's Heros
Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.
I think a lot of men just feel overwhelmed.
Men are ceaselessly barraged by anti-male media messages, (Ala Naziesuqe propaganda) Women as a majority will not support them (you know, like Men supported women in the earlier days of feminism? And Men STILL support them, and I believe to their own detriment.) "Ladies", YOU are complicit in your silence (but most of you know that. That's the point, right? Right!).
The entire Nation, (again, via the media; news, TV programs,
movies etc.) are awash with anti-male bigotry and demeaning images of men (have NO doubt this IS the media and governmental agenda. The FEMINIST agenda). These endless images and anti-male hate speech mantras are DESIGHNED to do at least two things; First, to turn the AmeriKKan wo-men, against men as a whole. Causing mass festering of female hatred of men, resentment and indifference to their issues and voices, and dehumanization of men, because as we all know (Via Naziism,again)That if you dehumanize a group of people, then the horrible things that are done to them are not seen as unjust, morally wrong, or unpalatable. "They aren't REALLY Human", so what ever you do to them is as acceptable as killing animals just for sport.
The best way to sway public opinion even BRAINWASH people on a mass scale is ceaseless repetition of a message or messages.
If you repeat something again and again and again and again it will eventually saturate the mind. first in the conscious mind then the subconscious mind.
Remember; "repetition is the best teacher" and all propagandists KNOW this.
Ask any Jew or American Indian if this technique is effective. And we will tell you "Yes". it is 100% present effective. History, with out debate, bears that out.
And the this is exactly what we see our media, feminists and politicians doing now. Yeah, NOW.
simply study propaganda and how it is employed and you will see that it is indeed what we are seeing being used against AmeriKKan men.
Which brings me to the SECOND reason this is being done;
As in all cases propaganda is used to cause public hatred, resentment and intolerance on to the target group of people, to sway public opinion in the direction the propagandist(s) want. In this case AmeriKKan Males are the target, as I alluded above.
The second reason is disenfranchising the "target group".
Even the targeted group will succumb to propaganda.
The whole reason for slighting a person or persons is to lower their self esteem. To question themselves about their
worth as a person, a human being or..., as a group.
This is why we see so MANY men who are self-loathing and eager to aid the agenda of the feminists. They too, begin to believe what is said of them. (remember the saying; a lie told often enough will become a "truth" believed).
Once a group is so disenfranchised it becomes a weakened group. It has no support, from the public, or the law. because of the sway of public opinion against them. They are no longer given "human right" (remember, they're not human) They become pariahs, and therefore also do not have their "Guaranteed" constitutional and civil right up held.
Therefore a government can change laws against them with little or no outcry from a "convinced" Nation.
That is why men, particularly in gender related cases, are treated with injustice and wo-men are treated "fairly" by the judicial system, I.E. divorce, physical abuse cases and child custody cases.
AmeriKKan Wo-MEN, are treated with unnecessary and unconstitutional leaniancy. While men are treated with un-constitutional harshness.
Wo-MEN can and often DO get away, literally, with MURDER. ESPECIALLY if her victim is Male. And statistical evidence backs this up.
So once the "target group" (in this case Men) is reduced to this status in a society, they are easily destroyed. Politically, socially, economically, phsycologically and even eventually targeted with "extermination". in many cases literally)
Again ask any Jewish person or American Indian.
The Jewish people have made a fair recovery, if you want to call it that. But American Indians (including my blood tribe) have never recovered from the propaganda. It looks like we never will.
To see how much damage propaganda cause to a people, and to see the far-reaching consequences, simply study American History, particularly American Indian history.
The damage of propaganda is eternal. It NEVER goes away. not completely. one way or the other the damage done to a people is PERMENANT...!
Things are never the same again to the targeted group or the Nation they live in. Propaganda is a more powerful weapon than even the Atomic bomb. It can destroy MILLIONS with a "fall out" even more destructive. and it has done so throughout history, and, if we let it, it will do so again.
In the end, My point, finally, *sigh* That I believe that AmeriKKan men, are just overwhelmed. Between work, trying to pay bills, trying to survive in the economy, having to battle (fruitlessly) against their ex-wives pertaining to child custody, and absorbent amount of money if he loses the case(s) as they usually do, abuse by the media, press and government, and the overwhelming public opinion against them. I think many men just see it as a lost cause, and are now laying down to die, willing to accept their fate as third (forth?) class citizens.
So many of us feel like the whole world is against us. Not for any crimes we have committed individually or otherwise,but simply for being born males, something that we have no choice in in the first place.
Trust me when I say that constant prejudice against you can really beat a person or people down.
Hmm, I was just thinking. we AmeriKKan males are being HUNTED down by media, Feminists, Courts and even our own Government.
Apparently our fate, if we continue to do NOTHING is to be hunted into extinction. (figuratively. ...or perhaps literally) The Dodo bird became extinct because it didn't know eoughe to runn away when Humans came after them.
On the 'Extinct speicies' list next to the picture of a Dodo bird, will their be one of a MAN?
Probably. If we do not fight back now, before it is too late. The oppinon of a majority of AmeriKKan men seems to be; It's already to late.
We have to do something to change this.
(A.K.A. Phoenix)
Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?
I agree,just talking and speaking to groups here and there,maybe a start but that's not nearly enough to be effective. Organized law abiding action needs to taken,and mass media exposure to the bias unfair,double standards,that are so predominate against men in the media,courts,work place,and just about everywhere else.We as men (and women) need just as much exposure,as the "fems"get on these mindless daytime talk shows,that have a constant and regular schedule of man bashing.We have to makeup thirty (or more) years of this bias "brainwashing" to expose the mass public to the whole truth of the injustice to men that takes place everywhere you look.
Jazzman, (again, sorry for the long posts, lately, Folks)
I agree with everything you said, above, except for one thing.
I don't believe we can COUNT on women, to support us. The AmeriKan woman is PART of the problem.
As I stated earlier, We can't count on women to support equality for men the way women could count on men, when they were fighting for equality. Women not only (PUBLICALY) make all kinds of anti-male gender slurs, (that are completely unnecessary and even inhuman)they rarely if EVER come to the defence of men being slurred or slandered.
In fact most of them laugh at the cruelest, most violent and dehumanizing remarks about men that you can imagine.
Remarks they would NEVER tolerate about women.
My observations are that AmeriKKan women, are at the least, indifferent to the violations of men's civil and constitutional rights, and at the most support such violations of the Constitution.
We always hear about how all Men "Hate women". But I know of no man, anywhere that has privately, or publicly says he supports robbing women of their rights to favor men.
I also NEVER hear men (at least openly) make disparaging remarks or advocations of brutal and inhuman, and indifferent violence against women as I hear, nearly, DAILY from women, about men.
Sorry. My patience is exhausted with the AmeriKan Wo-MAN.
She has had plenty of time to speak out against the anti-male nation we find ourselves in, today. PLENTY of time, man.
But how often do you hear them do so?
With the exceptions of women like Michelle Malkin, Dr. Laura Schlesinger and a few others, where are the female voices on this issue? For the most part they are completely SILENT!
I mean, If AmeriKan Wo-MEN were REALLY about "equality" they would speak out and act against gender bigotry, no matter WHICH gender was targeted.
But they don't. Therefore, as I also stated earlier, AmeriKan Wo-MEN, are COMPLICIT in their silence. Yeah, "lady" I mean YOU.
There are MANY, MANY examples of men, individually or in mass, speaking out for women and women's rights.
(Do a bit of research. You'll see what I mean) these men are not just past examples, there are even MORE men, now who speak out on women's "equality".
The list of these cats is long.
On the other hand you can count the number of women on ONE hand who have EVER supported men's rights and equality.
No way man.
It is like the Jewish people asking NAZIS to aid and support them.
It is like the American Indian asking Cavalry members for help.
Doesn't anyone GET IT already??? AmeriKan Wo-MEN are NOT INTERESTED in helping MEN.
Dudes..., for the most part they HATE YOU!
They WANT to see you suffer. They are PLEASED with the status quo. They ENJOY your suffering, they WANT power over you. Yes YOU as an individual or as a whole. They hear you, but they LAUGH in your FACE, MOCK YOU, say that YOU are the ones allowing them to be "oppressed". Oppressed? WHAT oppression are you gals talkin' about?
You have rights and privileges given you that no MAN ever DREAMED of having!
Few men get away with murdering WOMEN. But MANY women get away with the murder of males, even male CHILDREN!
But you don't care, right "ladies"?
I mean it's "pay back time" and you wanna "get even" with EVERY man since the dawn of time to the end of time. It doesn't matter how many men have historically SUPPORTED you in your times of need, it doesn't matter that despite what you think is true about men, "All men are rapists or are potential rapists" the fact is, yeah, too MANY men are rapists, but statistically MOST men are NOT rapists...!
You never seem to hear the words coming FROM men's mouths, you only hear the words you PUT IN our mouths.
Sorry. but with rare exception, I honestly do not think we can depend on women to do the right thing, anymore.
The writing' is on the WALL. I believe we must fight, and fight to the end until REAL equality for ALL is established in this once great country.
Even if we must fight alone...,
I know there are still good women around.
Ya just can't tell the good from the bad, without a program.
So, I think we should write them off, for the most part.
To any feminist or Wussie-poopie guys who want to accuse me of wanting the OPPOSITE extreme, I.E. "oppression of Women", All I can say is; If I said that, I'd apologize. But I DIDN'T, so I WON'T.
Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?
All you say is true,Women can say and mock the most despicable degrading things against men and it's perfectly exceptable and even laughed at in all the media.I beleive this is so because of the constant pandering to the politically correct.It goes without saying if this was reversed,you would hear the "squeals, screams and squawks" rebounding off the walls across the whole country.When I was referring before to the women helping in the fairness for men, I was talking about the "enlightened" women that truly beleive in equality and not some radical man hating "spew" that is so prominent by the so called feminist in the brain washing media today. are right on!
What you are saying, Thundercloud is 110% right! The is one particular mainstream and very popular propaganda topic that has been spread like wildfire for the last 7 years which cause the following(As you stated above):
1) "First, to turn the AmeriKKan wo-men, against men as a whole. Causing mass festering of female hatred of men, resentment and indifference to their issues and voices, and dehumanization of men, because as we all know (Via Naziism,again)That if you dehumanize a group of people, then the horrible things that are done to them are not seen as unjust, morally wrong, or unpalatable. "They aren't REALLY Human", so what ever you do to them is as acceptable as killing animals just for sport."
2) "Once a group is so disenfranchised it becomes a weakened group. It has no support, from the public, or the law. because of the sway of public opinion against them. They are no longer given "human right" (remember, they're not human) They become pariahs, and therefore also do not have their "Guaranteed" constitutional and civil right up held.
Therefore a government can change laws against them with little or no outcry from a "convinced" Nation."
So what is this propaganda that I am talking about? THE SEX OFFENDER LAWS and THE SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY Just think about it and you will agree. This latest hysteria and male-only enforced laws has been the leading cause of the prison population skyrocketing in only the last five years!
Most cases where a man is charged under a sex offender law has to do with having sex with a female under 18. How many men haven't or would not do that if they had the chance? Let's be honest now. It is in a man's nature to desire a younger female than himself that is more attractive and not yet brainwashed by feminism. Add to that the fact that the US uses growth hormones in beef and other agriculture which causes young females to blossom earlier and earlier. Hence it is so easy for young females to use a fake ID. The U.S. legislators know this equation and use it to their advantage. And isn't it a strange coincidence that "mistake of age" is not an acceptable defense in court when being charged with statutory rape. Oh, and your gonna love this one: If you get a hold of the fake ID she used to show to the court...guess what...IT IS INADMISSIBLE AS EVIDENCE, isn't that just convenient? You wanna now why? Because it is irrefutable physically visible evidence. The law could not rail road you to jail if you could use that defense, that is why it is barred as is a females prior sexual and false rape allegation history in rape cases do to rape shield laws. Isn't fake ID fraud a crime, a felony? But not when it's a female i guess...depressing.
VAWA, Statutory Rape Laws, Expanding The Definitions of Rape and the SEX offender registry are sending men to prison (many innocent) at an alarming rate, it is truly sickening.
Adult men have to be extremly careful remember "17 will get you 20"It's just not worth taking a chance,run don't walk away.On the other hand men also have to be careful of women of legal age too,because there are some women who will use sex as a weapon.But what about those women who "do" underage boys? This is happening all the time.These women when found guilty of rape of these "boys" are rarely given any kind of prison sentence,and if there is a sentence it's almost laughable.The double standards in the courts are not only just reprehensible but a national disgrace.So men beware the double standard against men in "all" areas won't change until we as men legally find ways to change things.One way we can fight this is when it comes time to vote in our politicians and judges.and we have to unite to stop the unfair bias in all area's of our society.
It's useless to have faith in any politician...
As I said in a previous post, jazzman,
Best thing to do if you are single, stay away from women as much as possible. Damn, you can't even use an escort nowadays without the law getting in on the "jail all men for being men" ticket. It's like America especially hates normal heterosexual men. It's a shame. And women wonder why they have trouble finding a man? HELLO??? The idiocy of this is that most of this crap is not even their fault, it's all because of men in office who are hungry for votes, paychecks, a good PR and don't give a flying s&hit about their own brethren. To hell with them. They can actually sleep at night in their warm and cozy beds and travel on their luxury yachts and enjoy life while 100's of men are behind bars(most innocent) because of their stupid laws. I hope they die horribly!
This freeze and thaw rape kits, just like "rape by deception", "rape as a result of intoxication" and the soon to be "rape by aggressive staring" is just another ploy upon many to come with the purpose of jailing as many men as possible to reduce the percentage of the male electorate that would have voted these eunuchs out of office.
Marc Rudov always says that if we stop voting for anti-male government officials, we can stop this B.S. But who else is there to choose from that you are sure will not do the same things? .....that's don't know...because they all do the same thing, always have, always will.
With only 46% of the voters being men, prior convicts not eligible to vote and every 1 in 20 men being put in jail at an alarming rate while women almost never go to jail for the same crimes......trying to get these eunuchs out of office is completely hopeless and impossible.
Therefore, I just don't see an end to this torture. It is sad to say, but it is true, it's a systematic plan to keep men down.
This is why we need to form a labor strike to send these people a message. I know, I know, it sound a little contradictory of my above statement. But it is worth considering. This strike has the ability to cripple many industries in this country while in effect and can cause unavoidable choas and is over 90 times worse than a public transportation strike in a single city. If you want to know what I mean by this labor strike please email me at tmfcomm@optimum
I do think that the day after Father's day would be a great idea.
James McCance II (Real Name)
Yes rexx123456 I think you're right.But one way where the vote could help is check up on the elected judges past decisions and vote acccordingly.There is no shortage of these politically correct judges who "pander" to womens feminist groups,at the expence of common sense and justice.Your idea of a strike is good in my opinion because it's a start to unite men and to stop this anti-male bias and insanity that's spreading like a cancer......Good luck to all us men.
Organizing for a strike
The only reason why I couln't join you in a stike is becuase I don't have a job to stike from. (I'm unemployed right now.)
However, I'm in agreement with you that someone has to start organizing some sort of movement that takes ACTION.
That's why I stopped by here to let you know that there's a blogger called MisAnDrope that wants to start a project that sounds similar to yours. You can read about it by clicking here.
And for those of you with criticisms about this idea please check out "What Men Are Saying About Women" post called Percy's Anvil Part 2.
Good Luck man.
Men on strike
GREAT IDEA!!!!! There must be a large amount of pre publicity to the event,however. Else the women will make it seem like men are just a bunch of lasy bums looking to get a way for a day off to go fishing or to the girly bars.
There need to be rallys, marches, seminars, and public information sessions planned for that day.
Otherwise, that day will give women just another reason to replace men with women in the office.