Feminists sharply divided between Clinton, Obama

Article here. Excerpt:

"No constituency is more eager to see a woman win the presidency than America's feminists, yet — despite Hillary Rodham Clinton's historic candidacy — the women's movement finds itself wrenchingly divided over the Democratic race as it heads toward the finish."

"At breakfast forums, in op-ed columns, across the blogosphere, the debate has been heartfelt and sometimes bitter. Are the activist women supporting front-runner Barack Obama betraying their gender? Are Clinton's feminist backers mired in an outdated, women's-liberation mind-set?"

"We're squandering an opportunity to be seen as a voting bloc that turns elections," Feldt said. "Unless we are working together, in a strategically thought-out effort to vote in our own best interests, we are in danger of never having another election where people will say women can determine the outcome."

Ed note: Given that women make up an ever increasing majority of voters, how can one say women do not determine the outcome of elections?

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"we are in danger of never having another election where people will say women can determine the outcome."

Whether people say it or not, is the main point only if you're a gynocentric, as well as self-centered, status-seeking nut such as this woman.

The point is that it is true - women do determine the outcome.

Only someone as illogical as a woman, would fail to notice that.


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I would have no problem voting for a woman as US President.

Just not this woman.

Hillary is such an obviously manipulative, deceitful, ingenuous person that I could never vote for her.

Plus she is a domestic violence abuser, having assaulted her husband several times and gotten away with it.

She has played the traditional Washington DC game and she looks like a typical political hack.

If I was confronted with a choice between Clinton or McCain, I would sit out the election and not bother to vote.

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And this (below) is from Barack Obama's web site. He actually has the nerve to think that what he has said, denigrating Fathers and men, is okay so he proudly posts it on his own web site.

Maybe he should change his name to Barak Oblamemen, judging by the gender feminist, shame and blame game he's trying to foist on Fathers and men, IMO.

Barack Obama in his own words (excerpts), regarding Fathers:
Barack Obama U.S. Senator for Illinois - Here's what it takes to be a bona fide `full-grown' man
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

"It raises for me the issue of what does it mean to be a full-grown man. Because there are a lot of folks, a lot of brothers, who are walking around and they look like men. ... They've got whiskers, they might even have sired a child, but it's not clear to me that they are full-grown men."

"My father was not in the home. I knew him from the stories my mother and my grandparents told me, but I didn't actually meet my father until I was 10 years old ... I met him for a month and then after that I did not see him again. I am not alone in that. A lot of men don't know their fathers. And then there are some of us who had fathers in the house, but they were so distant. ... We might live a whole lifetime with them and not have a sense of who they really are. ..."

"As a consequence of that, a lot of us had to go and try to figure out how to be a man by ourselves. We've got to kind of piece it together. ... If we're lucky, we've got an uncle or a cousin or somebody in the neighborhood."

"It is a wonderful thing that you are married and living in a home with your children, but don't just sit in the house watching "SportsCenter" all weekend long...."

"As a consequence, there are a lot of 30-, 40-, 50-, even some 60-year-olds who never quite grew up, who still engage in childish things, who are more concerned about what they want than what's good for other people, who may not treat their women the way their women deserve to be treated, who may not engage their children and nurture their children in the way their children need to be engaged."

"I know that our schools don't have all of the equipment. ... I understand that the school-financing system in the state is screwed up. ... I understand that our teachers need more money. And I understand that we need more computers and equipment. I understand all those things, but let me say this: That is no excuse."

Why not, gender feminists use those excuses, and more, all the time and it works for them?

"That sometimes we can't listen to what our women say because we don't want to act like they're in charge.

And our young boys see that. They see when you are ignoring your wife. They see when you are inconsiderate at home. They see when you are thinking only about yourself."

"And that, if we do what we must do ... if we try to be true to the example of our father and use the gifts that he's given us, then not only can we be full-grown, but ultimately that we can raise the kinds of young men that will make us all proud."

Apparently, Barack Oblamemen's perception of his Father, and his perception of God the Father will be key to how he treats Fathers and men in an Obama administration. The prospects look very dim indeed, for Fathers and men under an Obama administration, IMO. Fathers and men need to prepare themselves for more shame, blame and abuse under an Obama Presidency, IMO.

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"Unless we are working together, in a strategically thought-out effort to vote in our own best interests..."

Yup. There you have it: why women vote the way they do. In their own best interests. Women sell their votes a hell of a lot more cheaply than men do; or to put it another way, they are easier to bribe. Dependency on the state makes you that way.

Never mind what happens to the country; never mind what happens to the economy; never mind what happens to people who aren't women. None of that counts. If women are moving towards Obama and not Clinton, it's because they think Obama will act more in the interests of women than Clinton will do. They may well be right.

That's how you get women's votes; just tell them all the things you are going to do for them. Echo their demands, however unreasonable, unfair, sexist or illogical. Just tell them what they want to hear. And if you can fake sincerity, so much the better.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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Oh, yeah. You got that right, Paul.

The truth is, and it's NO EXAGGERATION, Women are the BIGGEST special interest group in the country.

As far as voting, is concerned, I ain't voting for ANY of these bananas for Prez.
No matter who we get, we will see a decline in men's rights. the rights of the poor, and even the rights of CHILDREN. I am certain of this.

By the way, if any of you cats are thinking about voting for Hillamonster Clinton, keep in mind her comments about men. Among other things she has stated (on record) that "I LOVE seeing women in control."

Yeah, Hillamonster. Good way to connect with the male voters. *rolls eyes*

All a bunch of bananas, the lot of 'em.

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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"Ed note: Given that women make up an ever increasing majority of voters, how can one say women do not determine the outcome of elections?"

They do determine the result of elections, simple as. That's democracy in action - when your dealing with a group as entrenched, antagonistic and selfish as women are, the problems of democracy present themselves pretty quickly.

As for Clinton vs. Obama, for women it's a no-brainer: both candidates are feminists, so there is no way women/feminists can ultimately lose out.

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