PD James: Political correctness ruining society

Story here. Excerpt:

'Modern life is bedevilled by political correctness, PD James, the crime author, said last night.

There was a growing risk that Britons would live in "ghettos" and experience little contact with other people, she said in a speech on policing in the 21st century.
"Our society is now more fractured than I, in my long life, have ever known it.
"...And in our relationships we are bedevilled by the cult of political correctness."
It would be "unfortunate" if the police became "enamoured" of political correctness, which she described as "a pernicious if risible authoritarian attempt at linguistic and social control".'

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"...linguistic and social control..."

That is precisely the function of major mass media in America today. (As a means of making profits from amusements...)

As well as the core function of modern feminism.

If you can define the boundaries of acceptible language, then you control the terms of the debate or dialogue.

The feminist movement has been very successful using this strategy, as you can obviously see in the DV Industry, the Family Courts, VAWA, etc.

The universal acceptance of the concept of an Evil Patriarchy and "male oppression" of women is testimony to the power of language and its abuses.

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did anyone get this to work?

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This is doubleplus ungood.

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The biggest obstacle to an effective police force is the police. At least that's true in the U.S., where, "police culture" notwithstanding, most individual cops are fascist pigs and deserve little respect from members of the public - just enough from the average joe for himself not to get in trouble with them.


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Political correctness is not simply "ruining society" It is DESTROYING society.

Why? because political correctness is hypocritical on it's face.

It is nothing more than a speech code placed upon CERTAIN members of society. (So much for the first amendment, huh.)
This control of speech through intimidation and societal reprisal, is nothing more than "prettied' up SOCIALISM. Plain and simple, and no euphemism of any kind can hide this plain fact.
All the evidence you need to know this is that political correctness is not applied to everyone EAQUALY.

It mainly targets White people, but primarily White MEN.
But as far as women are concerned P.C. applies to Men as a whole, not just White men. When it comes to gender men are "not allowed" to speak of women critically, AT ALL, PERIOD.
Women however may speak their opinion of men (usually critical) all they want, with no chance of reprisal from the government, the media or society as a whole. And women can Literally say the most inhuman, horrific, ghastly and disturbing things about men all they like perfectly immune from err.
MEN, on the other hand, may NOT speak of women unless it is to promote them or their so-called superiority, not just as a gender but as human being in general.
To do otherwise will bring the wrath of hell unto ANY male who dares do otherwise. Men are also commanded that they must tolerate these verbal (even physical) assaults. In fact MEN themselves are supposed to cheerfully acknowledge women's superiority, whilst attacking their OWN gender.

As far as 'racial political' correctness is concerned. Both White Men AND White women (but particularly men) are the targets.
You may have noticed that in the "entertainment" industry, for just one example, Black people (of both genders) can make nearly ANY anti-white racial slurs. "Honky" "Crakah" "Cheese eatin' sissies" and many more such racial slurs are acceptable. On the other hand, as we have seen in the past few years, Any White person to use racial epithets, on purpose or even by accident is immediately an abomination, who frequently lose their jobs, standing in the community and even can receive death threats.
Is prison too far behind? (How 'bout the death sentence).

But wait, that's not the end of it. Black people can make racial slurs and remarks at ANY other race, as well. I'm sure we have all heard the consternation that many Blacks have against Hispanics and especially Asians. I don't know how many times I have heard a Black actor or actress say something demeaning or stereotypical about "Korean store owners". in a sitcom, movie or chatting on a talk show.
Just for the record there are two races that political correctness does NOT protect. My people,(American Indians) and Asians. We STILL to this day see white and Black people mock us in media and just on the street. Any one can say "Honest Injun" But imagine if you said "Honest nigger".
You and your family would be dragged from your homes and executed in the street. People can still come up to a "Native American" and say "HOW!" Imagine if you walked up to a Black person and said to them; "UGAHBOOGAH!" But it is EXACTLY the same thing. I still remember from a couple of years ago the Black singing group "OUTCAST" mocked Indians mercilessly at what ever music awards show they were on. During their song they did the stereotype "Injun" stiff-standing, no emotion on the face, with their arms crossed stiffly in front of them, saying things like; "UGH!" and "HOW!" and "Me scalp 'em" all the time wearing "Indian costumes" doing "Authentic Indian dances" where they all jumped around like a bunch of idiots, dishonoring many tribes sacred rituals, practices and ceremonial items.
Was there any out cry from anyone OTHER than American Indians? Not a one. Once again the public absorbed this racist bull, excepting it as being authentic to Indian custom and once more acceptable to mock this group of people as the "savages" we are.

Mocking and stereotyping of American Asians and Asians in general is ALSO very much acceptable in AmeriKa.
To this day I still see people (White or Black" taking their finger to raise the outside part of their eyes, making the "buckteeth" and babbling incoherently as if speaking "Chinese" or "Japanese."
In entertainment, with perhaps the exception of Jakie Chan and Jet Li, Asian men are always feminised and made to appear less manly than their White and Black male counterparts. How many times have we seen it? The cliched image of the Asian American or Asian male in general as the computer geek/nerd clumsy with women, wearing thick rimmed and thick lensed glasses. He is always depicted as a "funny little guy". and is nearly always portrayed as at least some what effeminate.
Asian women do not fair much better. They are always depicted as sweet soft spoken, docile Little tools. Or submissive shy little sex kitten, or the opposite exstream some sort of Dominatrix. *rolls eyes* (DUMBinatrix??)
If AmeriKan feminism REALLY cared about the rights and image of ALL women, where are they on this little tragedy????
But as a general rule, the public does not see these depictions of American Indians and Asians as demeaning, or racist. Sadly' it is because these are the images that the public has grown to except of these two ethnic groups. It has been POUNDED into their heads that it is acceptable since childhood and that if these two racial groups were nearly ANY OTHER races of people (Blacks in particular) the racism and mockery would be PLAINLY APEARANT to the viewer.

But see that's the "magic" of political Correctness. Political Correctness TELLS you what is and isn't acceptable. If Political Correctness doesn't state that ill-treatment of a given group is wrong, then most door nobs in society think that it IS acceptable against that given group(s).
If it says that ill-treatment of another given group(s)is wrong then everyone sees it as unacceptable.
This is LITERALY DICTATED to the AmeriKan peop0le. Many don't even seem AWARE of the fact. But then, what IS Political Correctness if not a form of Dictatorship?

We have very far-left fringe liberals and secular progressives to thank for good 'ol P.C. . (Yes we DO! That argument is OVER. it IS those people who have brought this "curse" upon our Nation, if not the WORLD.)

Originally we were told by the secs and far left libs that political correctness would help bring "tolerance" to America. How could that be BAD? So many people signed on.

But later, and obviously we now know that that was NEVER the purpose of P.C. .
The purpose of Political Correctness is for the very reasons we see it as it manifests it's self today.
It is COMPLETELY UN-CONTITUTIONAL. It was/is in reality created to DEVIDE people. And anyone with 1 10th of a brain can see that. The far left and Social(ist) progressives DENY this. Just as Hitler denied murdering millions of Jews.
But it is COMPLETELY evident, if one just takes the time to watch, listen and pay attention. Most people do not. This will be' and perhaps already is, the destruction of America.

Remember Far, fringe Leftists and Sec-pros have one HUGE thing in common; Love of SOCIALISM. P.C. is nothing more than a large and unfortunately accepted piece of SOCIALISM.
It was the first step.
It's goal was and is, from the beginning to betroth superior rights on some and the out right THEFT of the rights of others. How can that be anything but DEVICEIVE?
The far Libs and Soc es said it would bring tolerance and unity to America. But again we can PLAINLY see it has had the OPPOSITE effect. And Far Libs and Soc es KNOW this. They can see it themselves to be true. With that, why are they unwilling to say; Political correctness was a mistake" and do everything they can to stop it from doing more damage to the Nation? If they had REALLY wanted "peace" and "love" among the American people, they would have seen P.C. for what it is and STOPPED it immediately. But they didn't and they haven't and they ain't ever gonna.
These people have played the American public like a brand new Stradivarius!
THIS IS what P.C. was and IS all about. From beginning to the present and probably into the future this was their plan the WHOLE time, and it has worked like the proverbial charm.
These people ARE SOCIALISTS. They WANT America to BE a socialist country. (i.e. AmeriKa, as I now spell it)
With political correctness they have severed the arm of the country, and now wait for it to nearly bleed to death, so that they and they alone can come in to "save Amerika" from it's self. Words like "Change" are used but never defined. platatudes and promises will be made and then they will at last be able to do what no outside force has been able to. Destroy America, and and put in it's place their warped and perverted view of what THEY believe America should be. Nothing more than a socialist Utopia.

All because the creators of Political Correctness remember the ONE THING the American people have forgotten; "UNITED WE STAND DEVIDED WE FALL". Not since the Civil war has America been so devastatingly DEVIDED!

Of course the P.C. people, hypocrites that they are will say something like; "This is all the rambling of some crazy, far-right, drunken INDIAN. He should be ignored.
After all He's just a sub-human savage, and it's okay to hate his people, as we have commanded. But no one EVER attack the opinion of Women Homosexuals or Blacks. If you do you are a "BIGOT" and a social CRIMINAL, and will be dealt with as such!"

Don't blame ME, folks. It's YOUR society...

For any Black or Female posters who wish to become self righteously angered by my comments, Note this; I am A PROUD American Indian. a fellow "oppressed" minority. But one that ACTUALLY believes in ACTUAL EQUALITY for ALL people, regardless of what the hell race or gender. That means Blacks, Women, Homosexuals as WELL as Whites, Men, American Indians "American Asians and anyone else in between. I do NOT condone bigotry towards you, but nor do I condone it against ANY other group of human beings in this country or abroad.
Frankly I believe that it is primarily up to we minorities, to stop prejudice of any and all kind, instead of condemning it ONLY when it is aimed at "OUR group(s)" If you are TRUELY in favor of EAQUALITY it is impossible to condemn it, towards your self, but condone it towards others.

Therefore if "White people" say that Minorities and women are a bunch of 'Equal rights hypocrites", we will have only ourselves to blame. I blame "Minorities" and women, of the present for trying to continue the same type of bigotry of America's past, just as much as ANY sexist or racist White man.
That's right I believe in taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Something we as Minorities are often discouraged from doing by the good ol' people, themselves, who brought us "Political Correctness".
So if ya don't like it TOUGH s**t!
INTROSPECTION is one of the TRUE steps towards humanity and justice.
What was that thing that Jesus said?
"Be aware of the PLANK in YOUR eye before pointing out the SPECK in the eye of another." (or words to that effect)

I don't know a lot about the Bible, but that sounds like good advice that we should ALL follow.
Ya Dig?
The fact that Political correctness (seems) to work in our favor, does not give us the right to turn around and do to others what we are on record as saying "is Evil", "unjust" and "inhuman. When we do so, we BECOME the very thing we've been fighting. If you do that which you formerly charged as "WRONG" then how can you be justified in your actions?

WE become the hypocrites.

WE become the BIGOTS.

And it's high time that some one said this!

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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you should hijack a radio or TV channel and say all that as a speech.

although i'm not sure if you'd be able to get it all out before you're booted back off the air but, sadly, that's currently the only way the general public would be reached at all.

or you could do this live but i'm not sure if it's physically safe to do so.

anyway, i never did agree with PC. i didn't think is was made by straight-out control freaks.

in the end though, any way we cut it, we're probably heading straight for another civil war.

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TC (Phoenix) asked above,

"why are they [liberal fascist pigs] unwilling to say; Political correctness was a mistake and do everything they can to stop it from doing more damage to the Nation? If they had REALLY wanted "peace" and "love" among the American people, they would have seen P.C. for what it is and STOPPED it immediately. But they didn't.."

Basically, what has happened is this: the far left has given up on trying to get the "downtrodden" in our society to rise up against the "American Bourgeiose", i.e. the rich whites (mainly conservatives) who are supposedly in control. The liberal intellectuals have "accepted the fact" that the lowly members of society are too inherently stupid to understand that they need to rise up en masse, and that they are not motivated to bond together and do so. Having recognized this, the liberals have now realized that the only way they will overthrow the conservatives is to institute PC, largely via feminism, and to take it to the furthest extreme so that the right can be forced out. It's of no concern to these radicals that they are wreaking havoc with our basic freedoms, since they themselves are safely ensconsed within their positions in academia and other niches.

There is a good explanation of this, as well as the origin of P.C. (there's a lot more to it than speech control, it goes to a much deeper level) in Steve Moxon's new book "The Woman Racket" (available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.com). Also see Glenn Sacks' web site where the book is periodically discussed, and even Moxon himself has been known to comment there.

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It's either heed Moxon and those other few like him, or there will be civil war. With arms.
The dam cannot hold much longer.

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(T-Cloud) -- "Why? because political correctness is hypocritical on it's face."

Ah, but hypocrisy can be very profitable in the land of the formerly free.

I am in favor of more social (democratic) control of capital. I do not think a corporation should be permitted to destroy a small town by exporting all its jobs to Mexico or Indonesia.

If that makes me a socialist, I'll accept that label. (But I think it is simplistic.)

From what I have read of Native American history, Geronimo and Sitting Bull could be described as very early socialists.

The form of violent "democracy" they were resisting (genocide) forced a strategy to try to control an oppressor.

When your land is being stolen, socialism looks like a fairly intelligent idea.

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with all this talk of politics, I might be appearing as some kind of ultra-conservative or something.

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