HOKA HEY! Welcome back, Thundercloud!

I am happy and relieved to see Thundercloud has returned to the MANN site after a way-too-long hiatus, and not for cheerful reasons. Our friend was involved in a very bad motorcycle accident but has lived to tell about it. Old-timer regulars (no offense, guys!) of MANN will recall him and be glad I am sure to see him back, just as I am. And new regulars, well, he is one helluva great guy, as you will learn from his posts.

Thundercloud, you are all that! Welcome back to MANN!

-- Matt

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I wondered where T-Cloud went and am very glad to see his voice again.

He always tells the truth.

And he can be funny and ironic, if he chooses to be.

I think he has a compelling voice.

Happy to know he's still alive!

I hope that your health is good, and maybe you have sold your motorcycle.

Or not. Just do what you want.

But post regularly, OK?

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something about having his service temporarily disconnected.

ya think?

glad you are bak. we need all the help we can get.

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Welcome back TC!

That sweat lodge did the trick huh?

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I've been thinking about about you and wondering how you're doing for a long time. Welcome back. This is good news to hear you are still with us, but I am sorry to hear about the accident. Here is wishing you well.

Equal Justice for Men

Sincerely, Ray

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Initially I feared the reason for your absense was that you had become involved with a woman, perhaps even gotten married, and thus become pussified and decided to stay away from these boards.

Glad to hear it was only a motorcycle accident*.

Welcome back.

-axolotl (formerly "quetzal")

*just kidding! I've owned a few bikes - no doubt it was the proverbial quadraphonically-deafened cigar-puffing lardo driving his gas-guzzling smogmobile..

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-didn't it have something to do with going outside, to see if the cable guy working in the yard chopped up his internet?


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Hey TC! Great to have you back. I wondered about you and where you were but there wasn't much of a way to stay in touch. So glad you are okay and back online. Welcome back and sorry to hear about the motorcycle mess, that can be very tough.

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Good to know you are still alive!

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Tom,thanks and
Yeah, it was a nice bike for an import. ("Honda GOLDWING")

But, with the money my family got from suing MISSES MAGOO, I just bought a, get this, 1958 vintage HARLEY SPORSTER! It was in really good condition, for being so old. (It belonged to the guy's dad originally, but neither of them rode it often.)
I still need to get some replacement parts, for it, but hopefully I'll have it done by next year when I should be able to ride again.
Yeah, it ain't ALL bad.

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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Welcome back. I missed your posts and your "Hoka Hey!" signatures.

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ROY, THANKS! And thanks for the kind words. If I wasn't already kinda red, I might blush. (^_^)
Nope, didn't sell the old bike, it was TOATLED! so it ended up in the junkyard.

But, you'll probably flip when I tell ya that I bought a NEW cycle, though. (Can't ride it 'till next year, though, when I've recovered a bit more) It isn't really a 'NEW' bike, It's a vintage Harley sportster. Got the money from the Court settlement.
But all things considered, I'm doin' better.

I also hope you and yours are holding up well, too. Especially with "Feminism" getting worse.

By the way, how ya like my new 'tag-line'?

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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Yep, 'storm knocked out the phone lines, pretty much, but I was just able to get one message out to the troops before they went out completely. However the lines were only down three days. Two days after I called the phone company to get a dude out to fix it, I had the 'bike stack-up'.

'life weird, or what?

And Yeah, I agree, we CAN use all the help we can get. That's why I'm here. But that's why ALL of us are here, right?

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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and as we say around here

sic 'em dawg!

and i'm interested to know, since you have been in a time capsule, of sorts.

what is your first best opinion of the state of this gender war?

do you think we have gained/are gaining any ground?

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Hm, motorcycle accident. And I thought it was something serious, like being accused of domestic violence. Heh heh.
Welcome back..

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Thundercloud, These guys here been talking ya up while you were gone. Lets see what ya got.

scathing rhetoric,
pierceing insights,
and the web lincs to back it up!!

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"Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?"

Yeah, I like it because it points out a fundamental lie in feminism.

I might put it more bluntly - "Bitches, stop lying!"

I am not a gentleman, obviously.

Sounds like you got another cool bike.

I'm addicted to high performance bicycles. They are cheaper than motorcycles and if you can do 20 miles a day on a good bike, then you'll live a long time.

Good for the heart and the soul.

I have had motorcycles and loved riding them until the woman I married (and divorced) made me sell them.

Moral of the story -- do what makes you happy. Life is short.

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Holy Crap! a 58 sportster in good shape? Whoa! Nice. Those had the big bicycle seats right? Man look out for ol misses magoo. We want you to stick around.

"Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?"

I love the tagline. It points out the inherent double standard that props up the lies of feminism.

So good to have you back!

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Great to have you back TC! You were definitely missed.

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I remember reading Thundercloud's posts a long time ago, before I actually had an account.

Look forward to hearing more from you, Thundercloud!

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I fear the day that Thundercloud actually fires up that motorcycle ....

He may disappear again for months!

He should not be allowed to be on a motorcycle unsupervised.

Well, some people cannot be controlled.

I hope it will be a good ride!

Just don't do a "Thelma and Louise" thing, OK?

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It's more dangerous with a passenger than without one.

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Quote; "It's more dangerous with a passenger than without one."

Yep. But I'm definitely a "Lone rider".

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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Yep, 58 sportster.
But when I say "in good shape" I mean, of course 'relatively'. It's in good shape for a bike that's around 40 years old. It's got some rust, missing parts, no carburetor, missing spokes on the back tire, Etc.

And yeah it does have a "big bicycle seat". But it's a replacement for the original seat. It's made of hand sewn horsehide. It's in excellent shape.
Thing is, I can't remember what those "bicycle" seats are called.

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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Let's see, my first best opinion on the gender war.

Well, since I've been out of commission, I haven't had as much catch up time on the data, statistics and news, I'd like. But so far, as I have caught up, I have to say; we still ain't doin' so good. In some ways we've made progress, in some ways we're about the same as we were, and in other ways, I believe we are worse off than a few years ago.
After all, (no offence to any one, this is just my opinion) we may see HILLARY CLINTON (AKA Hillamonster) as PRESIDENT! If that happens (again in my opinion) guys, whatever rights men still have left in AmeriKa, you may just have to kiss them 'goodbye'.
Best case scenario, we lose even MORE of the few "rights" we have left but manage to hold on to at least some. Worse case, we see our civil and constitutional rights taken nearly if not completely away from us. And Hitlery Clinton and her henchwussie-poopies and henchfeminists and others in government who also want to see men dis empowered, will come up with some excuse as to why it has to be that way.
Either way if Hill Clinton becomes president, I am CERTAIN that one way or the other men's rights WILL take a blow of some kind. To what severity, I'm not certain. But rest assured it likely WILL be the case.
I don't know. Maybe I'm drinkin' the Koolaid, or maybe I'm right. Time will tell.

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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Become involved with a woman. Not likely. I'm unemployed (presently) and I'm average looking with a slight tilt towards homely.
I'm not saying that women are superficial in AmeriKa..., Oh, yeah, I guess they are, for the most part.

Become "Pussified"...? NEVER!!
I'm My own man. 100% NO ONE tells me what to do. (another reason I'm single.)

I AM considering headin' out to Japan for about a year.
Here in the states I REFUSE to date any woman. Won't do it. I have to much to lose. But I thought maybe I might run into a decent woman in Japan.
I hear that they're better than AmeriKan women. They aren't so masculine, coarse, loud, obnoxious, power-mad, misandric, and don't try to be little men, like a lot of our gals, here.
From what I've seen, Japanese women literally embrace their femininity (and feminine they do seem to be)unlike AmeriKan women who seem to do every thing they can to deny their femininity and embrace a pseudo perverted masculinity. *shudder*

Oh, and before some wussie-poopie or femroid accuses me of wanting a Japanese woman because I "want a submissive woman"

First of all. that comment is both racist AND sexist.

Second of all, have you ever DATED a Japanese woman, in your life? Well, I've dated a fair number of Japanese (or Asian) chicks, and not ONE of them was ever "SUBMISSIVE".
Polite, gentle respective, sweet, funny and agreeable? YEAH. MOST of 'em were. And what's wrong with that? I give them the exact same respect and kindness they give me. (maybe more so) And I, too, am ANYTHING but SUBMISSIVE.
A lot of gals in our country are just LOOKIN' for a guy to "slip up" in ways real or (often) imagined just so they can find a way of accusing him of some sort of 'sexism', get power over him and possibly ruin him. I see it done ALL the time , here in the states. Japanese women usually do not have some gender agenda to bring into the relationship. AmeriKan chicks FREAQUENTLY do this. to many EVERYTHING is a GENDER ISSUE. Not just in romantic relationships but in everyday life. Most Japanese gals just want someone to love and someone to love them. Many just want to have fun and enjoy life. and if they have a someone to share it with, all the better.

Hmm, I COULD say that women want AmeriKan men because THEY are submissive. And in this case, with the wussie-poopie plague at such a peak with guys in this country, I wouldn't be that far off the mark.

I dunno. What do you guys think? go Asia or don't go Asia.

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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Welcome back, Thundercloud!

I remember a few years ago creating a three part story about a former poster, Thea, who gets kidnapped and brainwashed by "The Patriarchy." Of course the feminists don't like this, so in the second part they too kidnap her and try to deprogram her. When she resists, she gets put in the dungeon with a woman named "Les" who takes a fancy to her. Just as Les is about to get her hands on Thea, some man in a mask bursts in and sneaks her out of the dungeon. As they ride off on horseback, he takes off his mask, revealing himself to be none other than Thundercloud! He then says "I joined the Knights of the Patriarchal Order. And they do have free root beer. Hoka Hey! They then ride off into the sunset to deliver Thea to her rightful place - the Patriarchal Women's Auxiliary.

Sometimes when I'm bored at work I run this scene through my mind to get a good chuckle.

Note: The man who played Tonto in the original "Lone Ranger" was actually named Thundercloud!


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I'm just testing Roy, to see if he's still giving me the silent treatment.


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Wasn't Tonto played by "Jay Silverheels" (if that is itself his real name)?


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In Japan, they supposedly have "women-only" subway cars. Actually there have been a few posts about the Japanese while you were gone - it appears that they're inheriting from the West, among other things, misandry.

This is not a joke. You better check before you go there. I wouldn't assume the women you have dated are representative. Besides that, I have developed a sense over the years, that some Asian women "play obsequious" (or whatever) to gain advantage before or during a relationship.


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Sorry, Chief Thundercloud was a stage name for the man who played Tonto; his real name was Victor Daniels.


I saw the Chief Thundercloud on the credits for the older Lone Ranger movie clip on You Tube, and didn't realize it was a stage name.


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Perhaps Silverheels was the second Tonto. His Wikipedia entry says in part,

"[Jay] Silverheels was best known for his appearances as the Lone Ranger's friend Tonto. In addition to starring in the Lone Ranger television series from 1949 to 1957, Silverheels appeared in the films The Lone Ranger (1956) and The Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Gold (1958)."


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Okay, so maybe Japanese gals aren't the answer, either. I've just heard a lot of good things about them, and Asian women in general. Not Asian AMERICAN women. They may be of Asian heritage but they are AMERICAN WOMEN through and through. Pretty much like every American gal, pretty much..,
Boy, and women say "A good MAN is hard to find."
Let me tell ya Ladies; Finding a good WOMAN is even HARDER.
Okay any other suggestions on Asian gals that are NOT so Westernized...?
(And yeah, before anyone asks, American Indian girls are getting pretty much the same as the majority of this country's gals. A lot of them Male-bash rather frequently, as well. Ah, yes, our "Once Indian girl(s)". )

As for Tonto, There was one guy who played him on the RADIO version of the Lone Ranger. I don't know, he might have been named "Thundercloud". I'm not even certain he was Indian, at all, though. I grew up watching the Lone Ranger. He was (Still is) my Hero, and Idol. Tonto was second on the list but he got a lot of points deducted for acting so WEIRD. He talked funny and he seemed to kiss Kemosabe's keaster alot. He didn't act like any Indian I knew. No one in my family or tribal family spoke like that. "Me get-um Kemosabe" or "Mmmmmh, Me no like this..." I'd never met another Indian in my life who spoke and acted like this. I thought Tonto must be CRAZY, or have SOME kind of impairment. I know I didn't act or speak like that. So in the end I never really considered Tonto as an Indian. Just some banana that couldn't talk right.
Now, the only person I ever saw play Tonto (with Clayton Moore AKA the LONE RANGER) was Jay Silverheels. Silverheels was a Mohawk full blood, whom I later learned didn't act like Tonto, in real life at all.
He spoke like any other Indian I knew, and acted like any other Indian I knew. "Tonto" was nothing but a character Jay played in a TV show, end of story.
Unfortunately, I never got to meet him. However I did get to meet Clayton Moore, whom didn't just PLAY the LONE RANGER, he WAS the LONE RANGER! "The legend became a man and the man became the legend" was what I always believed with Mr. Moore. I met him when I was about 10 years old. He was in town for we kids to come and see in person, hundreds of kids besides myself showed up. More than the people sponsoring had expected. But I was the only one to whom the Lone Ranger gave a special badge and told me he needed me to be his "special DEPUTY"!!!
My chest swelled 90 times it's original size. To this day that is one of the most special days of my entire life.
But the story don't end there. Nearly 20 years after that, the Lone Ranger came to town again. (I don't remember why) but he was on one of the Talk Radio programs, and he and the host were reminiscing about the old LONE RANGER TV show. AND they were taking calls. At first I wasn't gonna call in. Then something in the back of my mind said, 'this may be the last chance I ever have to talk with Mr. Moore.'

So I called in, I got on the air and got to speak, once more with my Hero. I couldn't believe it but He ACTUALLY REMEMBERED me from 20 years ago! "the little Cherokee boy, who I gave the badge to." I was floored. Unfortunately I had lost the badge a few years after he had given it to me. I still haven't found it to this day.
Any way shortly after I had the privilege of speaking to him one last time, the Lone Ranger passed away. My advise to everyone;, ALWAYS listen to that little voice.

And lastly, Now that you mention it, I DO remember Thea. What ever happened to her? She always seemed so bright and funny. What, did the Femroids get to her or something?

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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Hey ax --

Sorry I overlooked that comment of yours, no "silent treatment" ever intended.

I can understand that having two people on a motorcycle makes it less safe, because my ex-wife could never seem to grasp the balancing and body nuances while riding my 650 Kawasaki, and she was obviously petrified just to be on the bike.

What is really funny is that her new husband is a motorcyle guy, and he paid for her to take a community college class to become proficient on a bike.

She not only flunked the class, she dumped and damaged the bike during her final riding test.

It's apparently both a fear thing and a skill thing.

She also likes to wreck cars.

I am so happy that I am not married to her today.

I think the Saudis have the right idea -- outlaw women drivers.

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You know what they say, "dykes on bikes". There's thousands of them all over Florida. They ride pretty good, alone or in groups. And they're usually big V-twins, although I saw one on a Duck, and another one on a rice-burner. I have also seen many times, a woman riding with a man each on separate bikes. Assumedly those are the straight ones. I guess you do need some level of raw strength, in addition to balance.

Remember the saying, "There's only two types of riders..those who have dropped their bikes, and those who are going to drop them." I was thinking of eventually buying a motor scooter, as I'm tired of pushing the big ones around, as well as the expense.


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Your ex-wife hates motorcycles and likes to wreck cars?

I think I met her.
The HARD way, if ya get my drift...!

Yeah, skill is a big part in handling a bike. B.T.W. when she dumped the bike, was she able to pick it up, again?
I see a lot of "biker babes" who have that problem.
Funny, they frequently have to have a (evil) man come and help them right the scoot for them.

Yeah, sweet irony *wry smile*

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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TC, welcome back! I definitely recommend coming out here to Japan -- it's not perfect, but it's so much better than America. A happy marriage is still possible despite the feminists' best efforts!

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Domo arigato. (SP?) It's good to be back. It seems that I remember more than I realized about MANN and all you cats here. I see some new names but I still remember most of you "old timers", too.

And yeah, I am seriously considering a trip to Japan.
Not just for the chicks but also the beauty of the country.
I figure I'll get toasted on hot Saki, eat sushi and run from GODZILLA.
Seriously, though, is there really such thing as an ugly Japanese gal? If so I've never seen one. Even the "homely" ones are cute in their own ways.
What is your take on Japanese women in the 21st century, KYO? Are they still, at least, a LITTLE good natured? I hear that on the average Japanese gals are MUCH more agreeable than Western babes. Not so demanding, with a feeling of entitlement to EVERYTHING, not out to one-up men at every turn, not domineering or "bossy", verbally or even physically abusive. I have heard that they don't have the whole "ATTITUDE" thing happenin', like many of our women do these days. And most of all, Do Japanese women tend to be anything like their Western sisters? You know with the constant gender chip on their shoulder, or the "gender agenda"? (Agender?)

Again, to any one who says "Thundercloud wants a "SUBMISSIVE" woman". Just shut up and bite me, because one, It ain't the case. and two No, I'm looking for her as a partner to share love and life, not the arch typical sexual adversary, seen way to often in AmeriKa.
Since when is wanting a relationship with some one you can love, trust and enjoy each others' companionship constitute "wanting a submissive woman"?
My guess is, that a lot of AmeriKan gals say that because, first they are racists, and second, because I think they are seeing quite a few Western men goin' to Asia and countries like Russia, to find women who WANT to actually BE women and in a TRUELY equal "partnership". Perhaps many AmeriKan women want Western men to stay here so that THEY can dominate them. Either way AmeriKan chicks see that they can't compete with such other women, so they get pissed off and jealous.

To AmeriKan women I say; Maybe instead of hating and being jealous of Asian women, maybe you might shut your mouths for a change and LEARN something from your "rivals". Such as how to not act like little creepy men. Oh yeah THAT'S attractive. That's what I really look for in a woman, some one who can out belch me, talks in a deeper voice than mine, who has hairy er legs then mine, who swears like a drunken Marine, who wears boxer shorts, walks like a guy, talks like a guy and dresses like a guy. Yeah, Ladies that is just SO attractive...! (sarcasm off) If I actually found that attractive I'd be gay and attracted to men. (Which I am not). And frankly I do question any guy that IS attracted to gruff, abrasive, masculine women.
I mean if that type of woman is attractive to you then you might want ask yourself "could I possibly BE gay?" And if you really are, then fine. Go in peace. but don't live a lie. You know like marrying a woman then cheat on her with another dude. I see that happen frequently here in the states. You devastate your wife and, if you have them, your children. And that's WRONG.

Any way sorry for the ...er..., slight digression.

In guess what I'm trying to say is, since when has a relationship of MUTUAL respect, consideration, true equality and love and admiration come to be translated as; "wanting a SUBMISSIVE woman."?
Why is it that today, if you oppose one extreme, you are automatically assumed to support the OPPOSITE extreme...?

No, I do not want a "submissive" woman. "submissive" people are boaring. And no, do not want a "dominant" woman. Dominant people are annoying. And BOTH submissive and dominant people have HUMOUNGOUS self esteem issues.
(look it up. It's true. Not just some backwater, hick, half-breed sayin' it.)

And one final thing. (thank God, right?) If AmeriKan woMEN were so interested in a TRUELY equal relationship, how can you have one dominant person and one submissive person and call it "equal"?

Easy. ....You CAN'T.

So that means you are being hypocritical, don't it?
I would say that it is YOU, the Amerikan woMAN that wants a SUBMISIVE PARTNER...,

Glass houses, "Ladies". Glass houses...,

See ya.

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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T-Cloud, I think you nailed it with your remarks about the masculinization of American women.

One of the side effects of feminism has been that women are now indoctrinated to mimick male behaviors. More than a few of the most aggressive people I know are women.

Why would I want to partner with a woman who acts like a man? (The power hungry "go girl" career type?)

Why would I even find that type of woman desirable?

I completely understand your fascination with Asian women. Personally, I just like the way they look. Their faces and eyes are like classic art. I had a Japanese girlfriend in college, and she was elegant and feminine -- two qualities most American women have lost.

I also really appreciate Caribbean women, although they can bite you because they have a hotter temperment than Asian girls.

I have pretty much given up on pursuing American women, except for the rare southern bells from Mississippi and Louisiana.

They still have feminine qualities.

Any female above the Mason-Dixon line -- forget about it.

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"Feminine" qualities, is what you seek? You are an evil male patriarch with low self-esteem - and are a dinosaur to boot!


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ax --

nice irony! LOL!

Although I am capable of being evil.

Patriarchal -- not so much.

The dinosaur metaphor suggests that I am extinct.

Since I am still posting, that is illogical.

You must have been referring to my nostalgia about times when American women were feminine.

There comes a time in your life when you start to see a lot of things in society that you enjoyed slipping away.

I'm gonna cry like a baby when the first Rolling Stone dies and the band is over.

Well, not counting Brian Jones who drowned in his swimming pool.

I'm not sure the concept of "feminine" even exists anymore in America's "You Go Girl" mentality....

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Roy, Yeah I like the way a lot of Asian gals look, too.
But there is something more about them. Can't quite put my finger on it, though. I mean there are quite a few beautiful (looking) American women, but nearly NONE of them really hooks my interest. I'm like, "sure she's pretty, but what else...?"
I guess it has a lot to do with substance. and, yeah to be corny, personality. Asian chicks, especially Japanese girls, seem to have this in abundance. They don't seem so "confined" the way many western women do. They seem to have a real freedom with their personalities. I've been told that Japanese women range from very quiet and soft spoken to very out going and personable. Either way is usually cute.
On the other hand I have heard that Japanese women take relationships very seriously, on average. I have also heard that there are actually quite a few female stalkers in Japan, and they can be really annoying to down right spooky in some cases.
Also, I have been told (and read) that many of the women in Japan can be a bit childish, at times. They may stomp a foot or pout, which can be kinda cute, I guess, even sexy, but it might just end up being just annoying.

And yet on the other hand (for those of us with 3 hands, I guess :P) I have also heard that they take love and family pretty seriously, as well. and can be some of the most loving and devoted women in the world.

Genetically speaking, they seem to be the worlds perfect human female.
Not just in physical appearance but in mannerism and grace of movement. They do not get so fat, like AmeriKan women (and men) tend to get, and they age very well. Also their femininity does not seem 'contrived' like with a lot of other types of women. It just seems to come naturally to them.
So I'm not really going for looks, so much as I am for the other characteristics. Besides, like I asked has anyone really seen that many "ugly" Asian women. I'm sure they're around, but I never saw one that wasn't attractive in other (and more important) ways.

Actually, KYO is living in Japan. Maybe he'd be willing to share more insight on this subject. If anyone would know it'd be him.
And any info at all from him, I'm sure would be valuable.

Hell, Kiyo, if you have any female Japanese friends, who speak at least a bit of English, maybe you could talk them into becoming members of mensactivism, and post for themselves.
Plus, it would be fun to tease them. (just kidding)

Oh, and one last thing.
Any one ever hear of YUKO OGURA? (Kyo may have) She's what is called a 'Gravure model'.
She poses in all kinds of really cute photos. She doesnt do nudity, and (seems) to be very innocent, sweet and likable.
She's a bit weird, I'm told. Like she says she's from another planet, called "Korin", I think she said.
It's not clear to me if she's being serious, or just pullin' your leg. I hope she's just kidding, 'cause, yeah, that's kinda weird.
Do an image search on her if you want.
Also look up ASAKI YOSHIDA. Also very cute.
But you might want to steer clear of "SHOKO "Shokotan" NAKAGAWA.
apparently, she likes sucking on cat's heads. (I'm DEAD serious.) See for yourself if you dare. *insert creepy music here*

See ya.
(or maybe I should say "Sayonara".)

(A.K.A. Phoenix)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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