Police: Woman Flew To Upstate For Sex With Boy

From the story:

"PICKENS COUNTY, S.C. -- A 28-year-old woman has been indicted after deputies say she flew from Wisconsin to the Upstate to have sex with a 15-year-old boy.
The Attorney General said that Schneider started having conversations with the boy over the Internet and phone using Web cams and having telephone sex.

She eventually set up a time to meet the boy for sex, but his parents found out and had deputies arrest her when she came to the home."

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ya think these DA'a are starting to get a clue?

i've seen poodles figure things out quicker.

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do you think that Chris Hanson would ever do a predator show about this?


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....this doesn't turn out to be another one of those retarded, "Wow, where were all these horney older babes when I was 15?" giggly page two buried stories.

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So this ugly woman was charged with "criminal solicitation" of a minor?

Why not rape?

Is it possible under today's laws for a female sexual predator to be charged with a felony?

Does the law include a concept of rape by a female against a man?

And, have any women been convicted of rape?

Chivalry is a bitch.

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I feel for that guy. I bet he hates his parents now. Instead of feeling like a stud, now he might feel like a loser. Where were all of these horny older babes when I was in high school?

Sorry guys, I just call it like I see it and I don't support our having a men's movement version of political correctness nor do I think that it would advance our cause. Pretending that reality is probably different than the way it probably really is isn't going to help us. Pretending that the guy would have been a victim of rape by an older woman even though we're probably 95% certain that he would have enjoyed every minute of it and have felt good about it isn't going to help us.

Trying to make an issue out of older women wanting to sleep with male teenagers when we know fully well that many of those guys wouldn't feel like victims and in actuality would not be victims isn't going to help us advance our cause on real issues such as paper abortions for men, an end to circumcision, an end to paternity fraud, the enactment of harsh punishments for false allegations of rape and child abuse, an end to the all-male draft, and an end to the discrimination men suffer in the courts.

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It is critical to be able to legally define women as sexual predators if you want to have gender equality.

Why is a vagina less of a sexual weapon than a penis?

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I feel for that girl. I bet she hates her parents now. Instead of feeling like a nymphet, now she might feel like a loser. Where were all of these horny older men when I was in high school?

Pretending that the girl would have been a victim of rape by an older man even though we're probably 95% certain that she would have enjoyed every minute of it and have felt good about it isn't going to help us.

Trying to make an issue out of older men wanting to sleep with female teenagers when we know fully well that many of those girls wouldn't feel like victims and in actuality would not be victims isn't going to help us advance our cause on real issues...

Nope, no double standard there.

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Oh, I agree that the law should be gender-blind. However, I don't see why we should focus much, if any, energy on this issue. I don't see how getting women prosecuted for statutory rape of eager, ready, and willing male teenagers is going to help us legalize paper abortions for men, etc. Am I missing the connection? I'm sure the Feminists must love watching just how ineffectual and impotent the disconnected strings of a "men's movement" is.

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Then please explain why we spend so much time and energy focusing on "eager, ready, and willing FEMALE teenagers..." who allege being sexually assaulted?

Your voice comes across as a standard P.C. feminist.

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no more than any other inequality suffered by men. but every time these kangaroo courts allow one person to get away with something based solely on gender, as honest Americans interested in Justice for All, we must protest. whether it be automatic sole custody of children, gender based alimony and CS, one-sided enforcement of DV laws, unfair and biased arrest policies for alleged rape and the inequality in the sentencing of men vs. women, such as we have here, we must continue to point out the error of their ways.

many are the issues we have to bring to the forefront of debate so this society is forced to wake up and actually count the real costs. in pointing out the inconsistencies within this purposely derailed system, we do society, our children and our children's children a great service. we cannot continue down this road to privilege based on gender, or race, or any other reason. privilege just leads to more privilege. it feeds on itself. the history of Europe is fraught with it. our forefathers came to this country and created exceptional documents, and a system of laws and the Precepts of Law to go with them, with the bitter experiences of this privilege fresh and foremost in their minds.

what we are faced with today is the abandonment of these Precepts of Law (truth, fairness, equality under the law, etc.). the judges want to say, by their actions, that we can have some of these ideas without having them all. the Precepts themselves insist they must ALL be included in ALL laws made in this country. like sisters to the dance, they must all go or none. we can see the harmful effects to our society when they are betrayed. the result is called BAD LAW.

look at our courts. they exactly reflect the total abandonment of these principles.

Truth: i heard someone say the other day that if you tell the truth in a courtroom in this country you will be the only fool in there doing it, and you will lose.

another example: lying to children about who their parents are, to protect them. a lie w/in a lie.

Fairness: tell the thousands/millions of men forced to pay for other men's children. or the guys accused of rape or DV and forced to spend their last dime to defend themselves, only to find out the woman lied for whatever reason (if they are the lucky one), and no penalty for the lie. and automatic custody of children based on gender with all the perks to go $$$. there are many many more examples of this.

Equality Under the Law: that blindfolded woman holding up the balance says it all here. we are all to be judged just like that. fat chance in these dens of iniquity. feminists are so sure of victory in the u.s. they push through VAWA and IMBRA w/o even a single vote against, or even any questions asked, ever. the courts and the legislatures are terrified of them. men are consistently told they have "no legal standing", or "no rights that need be addressed", with their own children. imho they threw this one away first.

so you see, when you throw away any one of these Precepts, for the monetary compensation or for any other reason, you throw them all away. and thus we have no Justice served, and certainly no Honor involved.

it has always amazed me that courts require us to refer to these pretenders by a term (your honor) whose meaning they have long since retired.

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I do see where you are coming from with your comment WhipperSnapper, but I think you are missing the point of why it is so extremely vital for men's rights activists to preach EQUALITY under the law.

If you've paid attention to the issues of sexual assault since they first became a hugely politicized phenomena a couple decades ago, you'd know that the laws and enforcement of said laws are completely out of touch with reality and not effective throughout the entirety of Western society.

As an MRA I am certain you have heard of dozens of cases where a young female had sex with an adult male or older teen male and claimed he was her boyfriend, refused to testify against him and he still received a decade or more jail time and the label of convicted child rapist.

I think that for the most part, the mens movement is attempting to bring focus to that kind of absurdity when pointing out the lackadaisical treatment of females who are prosecuted for what would result in multi decade prison terms if all other circumstances were identical except the genders reversed.

I agree that in many cases we need not prosecute these women at all. But the thing is, I think it is an equal waste of tax payer money to arrest, prosecute, convict, lock up for a decade or so and then after that's all don with label as a monster for the rest of the mans life in cases that are likely as harmless to the female 'victim'.

Since our society does not respond well or quickly to the plight of men (why are you even reading an MRA news sight if you do not agree with at least that statement?), it is of great importance to highlight the over all injustice of everyone by having that injustice perpetrated against members of society who's suffering is considered important and in need of alleviating. If we start convicting and punishing females as we do males, society will be outraged (just as you are right now that this woman is being prosecuted).

Once society as a whole comes to be aware that the laws regarding sex are mostly ineffective and unjust do to females being caught up in the net of justice along with males, there will be no other choice but to re-evaluate the laws and the ideas behind them.

Men's rights is the goal, equality under the law for females is a tool to help get us there.

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