A trilogy of horror here...

All stories from the last month or so, found by simply searching for 'penis' on Google news...

Story 1

"The victim, aged 39, was rushed to hospital in northern France in June 2005 with his penis sliced off."

"Police never recovered either a weapon or the missing body part."


Story 2

"A PAKISTANI woman chopped off her lover's penis after he wedded his cousin in a marriage arranged by his parents."

'She invited him to her house last Wednesday and after serving some intoxicant cut off his sexual organ.'"


Story 3

"Lenly, the police said, suspected her husband of having affairs and having tired of it, planned to stop her husband from seeing other women."

"So before they went to sleep on Wednesday night, Lenly kept a knife near her and when the opportunity rose, cut off her husband’s penis."

Remember stories like these (and way way WAY too many similar stories in the past) every time someone tries to tell you that women are the caring, gentle sex... Yeah right.

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What I find incredible about this story is that the police DID NOT buy her story that the family dog bit off the man's penis and ate it.

An aristocrat is actually not believed? My oh my!

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Strange that. I am of the opinion that this particularly vile crime is on a par with murder. The poor men involved will NEVER be ok. They will be forever haunted by this unbelievably cruel act. A death sentence for the woman who did such a thing would not be inappropriate imo.

Also - on top of the horror of the act itself they will be treated as jokes by the rest of society. Remember all the 'hilarious' 'Bobbitt' jokes? Can you imagine the mainstream media broadcasting 'hilarious' violent rape and female genital mutilation jokes? No, me neither. Makes me mad as hell.

"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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