About.com Covers the Equal Parenting Bike Trek

ABOUT.COM, owned by the New York Times and recognized as a top 15 content site, just covered the 2008 Equal Parenting Bike Trek. In less than 24 hours, thousands of readers have visited the main event page for the Equal Parenting Bike Trek! This is a big win following the coverage by Instapundit!

Please take the time to thank author Wayne Parker for covering this important human interest story. Commenting does NOT require you to sign up for an account so it is very easy. Don't cite your personal case even though we all have a painful one to share - thank Wayne and tell him why children deserve BOTH fit and willing parents after a divorce. If you utilize Stumbleupon, Digg!, Mixx or other social bookmarking please do so on Wayne Parker's story.

Thank you Men's ACTIVISM readers!

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I took a few minutes, and thanked Wayne Parker.

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