iRobot Roomba: Husband is an ass

I'm surprised this hasn't made it onto the Boycott List yet. Video found here.

The iRobot Roomba is a vacuum cleaner, and of course the commercial depicts a frustrated wife complaining about her dirty home.

"I don't know about you, but I live with a bunch of animals. My kids are pigs, and my husband is a . . . [image switches from the woman to a donkey]."

Obviously, it is cute and humorous for a wife to call her husband as an ass.

iRobot Corporation website found here.

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Too bad the Roomba was created by Joe Lee Jones of MIT, a robotics expert that I was kind of a fan of. Oh well, time to throw out his book, if I can find it..maybe he's an ass who doesn't clean his house.

(Also Jones is the person that started the company that makes it. The project was begun at MIT.)


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