Women patronizing male prostitutes

This article from back in 2007, linked to from this at the HuffPost. Belies the myth that only men seek the services of prostitutes, or that the difference in motivation is so significant as to free women from any sort of "unacceptable" motivations. Excerpt:

'I’m sure I’m not the only person who hides such a guilty secret, and I’m equally sure that anyone in my position would guard it as ferociously as I do.

Once, sometimes twice, a month I meet up with Justin, a 36-year-old divorcé. We go out for a meal and maybe to a club before spending the night in a hotel. I am a divorced mum and work part time to spend as much time as I can with my four children. Justin also has four children. But what differentiates our dates from the norm is that I pay for Justin’s company, including having sex with him.
This way I’m very satisfied sexually, which makes me a much calmer and happier person, and I do like the secrecy element of this arrangement. I keep both lives totally separate and Justin doesn’t know where I live, what I do or even my real surname. I get a real buzz out of my elegant, controlled image and the fact that no one knows I’ve got a secret side – one that would shock everyone.'

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In spite of this uncommon instance, the psychology of men seeking female prostitutes is totally different. In fact, my guess is that in this case, not only is the woman primarily seeking company, but she wants to pay, to maintain a distance; whereas a man would be delighted if prostitutes started offering sex for free.


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Even if that is the case, which I don't think it is, it is the transaction itself that has been criminalized. I don't agree with that fact, but there it is. If money is changing hands in an implicit or explicit understanding that it is for sex, it is considered a prostitutional act. The woman is the customer in this case, the man the vendor of services. [Why it is viewed any different from buying or selling time on a massage table, for example, or in a dr's office, I dunno, but there it is.]

But the point here is that it is happening and people simply don't think that it is. In addition, what are the chances of this particular version of prostitution being prosecuted? Almost nil, if not actually 0. Yet when the man is the buyer and the woman the vendor, well, this must be stopped! Bust the johns and print their names in the paper! Keep after the women, too (but be sure to sympathize with them, as they are obviously victims of the evil men)! The only reason the author doesn't sign her name is she doesn't want friends, neighbors, relatives know she is "paying for it". But do you think the law would care even if they knew her name, even if they had evidence of the transaction on film ("Here's the cash, Justin, now let's f*ck before my sister/ex/mother/knitting circle leader calls to chat with me all night!")? No.

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I think this woman is more honest and forthright than most married women, who are "getting paid" for leasing their vaginas to a husband.

Sex is commerce. Period.

You can dress it up at a wedding ceremony and call it true love. Call it romance.

It is a financial exchange and always will be.

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I'm not attempting to justify it, or discuss whether it should be legalized or whatever. I was talking about the psychology of it, that's all. Actually though, I do think that prostitution should be legalized.

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'This way I’m very satisfied sexually, which makes me a much calmer and happier person, and I do like the secrecy element of this arrangement. I keep both lives totally separate and Justin doesn’t know where I live, what I do or even my real surname. I get a real buzz out of my elegant, controlled image and the fact that no one knows I’ve got a secret side – one that would shock everyone.'

I wonder how many johns have said this when they are cuffed and treated like criminal scum (while the prostitute wipes away fake tears about being abused and goes off to count her tax-free earnings)?

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