"Who do white men hate more, blacks or women?"

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Why is it that liberals think that, if white men decide not to vote for Obama, it means they HATE black people? Or that if they don't vote for Hillary, they HATE women? Did it ever occur to them that they, like all intelligent people in the United States, don't like their politics? Gee, what a thought.

And what's interesting is how Ephron sneers at the "suffering" white men receive at the hands of mean women, and points out how these white men are "somehow" able to rise above affirmative action, feminism, and the myriad of benefits handed to minorities simply for... being a minority. The difference, my dear Nora, is that most white men don't see themselves as victims. A lot -- but not all -- of minorities, feminists, and liberals do. Therefore, when white men are presented with overwhelming obstacles, they find a way to overcome them. A lot of people who are women and/or minorities do this, too, but it doesn't fit into the "WHITE MEN IN POWER!!" screed.'

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Voting for Hillary because she's a woman is just as sexist as me voting against her for the same reason. I don't even need to rely on sexism to hate Hillary. THere's PLENTY of other reasons.

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necessarily associating "white men" with "Republicans". Constantly doing that makes the problem worse because it gives "liberals" a better target.

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