"Male Castration = Good; Guns = Bad"

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Feminists especially love this kind of special treatment. They can say anything they want about men; they can slander them, smear them, and paint them all with a very nasty brush just for the "crime" of being men. Valentine's Day is canceled in favor of "Victory over Violence" Day to somehow fight domestic abuse. Love between a man and a woman is bad; women must stick to the sisterhood! Consensual sex is likened to rape; flirting to sexual harassment. Man-hating has become synonymous with feminism, and the most radical of these harpies usually reside on college campuses. Men, meanwhile, are supposed to just grin and bear it. One joke about women is deemed sexual harassment and can get a male student kicked off campus. Double standard? Nope, it's just "fighting for women's rights".'

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(Excerpt) -- "...the flyer "was allegedly interpreted by members of the campus community as an attempt to target certain campus populations with the intention of devaluing, intimidating, or even threatening harm."

You know, the British really complained about how the American revolutionaries devalued, intimidated, and threatened them.

Back in 1776.

That audacity and lack of manners is why we have a sovereign country today.

Sometimes being polite is just stupid.

Why should men be polite to feminists?

Really. Why?

Oh, Chivalry.

I get it.

Self-defeating behaviors....

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Being polite to individual is earned. Its a matter of mutual respect. Feminists expecting respect have unknowingly reinforced the transparency of gender hypocrisy. Call it XX psychosis. Actually they don't want respect, victimized feminists want pity.

I would be a billionaire if I could develop an anti-feminist psychotropic medication.


"We are generation of men raised by women. I’m wondering if another woman is the answer we really need."

[Fight Club]

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The gun is good.
The penis is bad.
The penis shoots seeds.
First thing I thought of from this scene.

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There is and never will be a medication to cure feminism.

It will eventually wither away ... most of the so-called feminist "leaders" are in their senior years and they have not had much success attracting new young female recruits.

Modern women do not see themselves as "victims of patriarchy."

Mainly because they have never experienced this social illusion that was cooked up to put women and men at war. (And, a lot of young women do not like their feminist mothers. They find them silly and unintellectual.)

So feminism as an ideology is like trying to keep a completely debunked idea alive ("the earth is flat") just for the money and bureaucracy you can make.

It will take another 50 years of global economic collapse to completely kill the feminist beast.

But it will happen. Because it is a luxury that we can no longer afford.

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