Christina Hoff Sommers Sparks Lively Discussion at Men's College
Story here. Excerpt:
'Feminist critic Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers sparked a lively discussion about the effects of gender feminism on young men Thursday night in Baxter 101.
Dr. Sommers’ lecture was based on her 2000 book, The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism is Harming our Young Men, in which she utilizes extensive social data to challenge the notion of the shortchanged female and the emotionally repressed male. Her talk Thursday focused primarily on what Sommers described as the hypocrisy and false information perpetuated by some gender feminists.
"As I was writing my book, all I heard about was how girls were shortchanged victims and were falling behind," said Dr. Sommers, who described herself as an equity feminist. "The area where I found the most egregiously false record of information was about education. I was reading that girls were victims, but I saw girls were dominant, not just in going to college more: they were winning all the awards. They were the valedictorians. They were getting the best grades. There was one area where you find more boys than girls: sports. Boys are falling farther and farther behind and girls are flourishing."'
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There was one area where you find more boys than girls: sports.
Title IX is working hard to make sure that goes away, as well.
wish there had been more information
I enjoy Dr. Sommers view and have read her books.
I wish this article had been more forthcoming in what the question/answer forum following her discussion entailed. It is referenced several times in this article, but no details are given.
I guess you had to be there....
oregon dad
Neglecting Boys
I admire Hoff-Sommers because she writes well and her ideas have been attacked over and over by orthodox feminism.... because she tells the truth.
As a father of two successful daughters in their twenties,one of whom graduated as her high school's validictorian, I witnessed while parenting a complete absence of concern about boy's academic welfare.
I do not begrudge my daughter's success, but I have learned that our culture is incredibly anti-male today.
Mostly it is expressed by neglect.
Silence is a terrible weapon.
universities should be a
universities should be a focal point for mens rights discussions..
Both students and professors.
She has done as much, or more than anyone to support, defend, and fight for the education of boys.
She's a woman, and more importantly, an ally.
"We are generation of men raised by women. I’m wondering if another woman is the answer we really need."
[Fight Club]
Wrong idea
Hoff Sommers said,
"only students associated with the Penis Monologues were punished. According to Dr. Sommers, the conservative students [i.e. the ones who did the Penis Monologues] could not invite speakers to campus for a year."
The fact that only they were punished doesn't have much to do with politics, but rather is due to the hatred of, and contempt for, male sexuality. The fact that they were conservative merely adds to their "target value" for the fascist PC liberals who rule the university.