Chores for two: Why men don't pitch in
Chores for two: Why men don't pitch in. From the article:
"The fact that guys, when left to their own devices, rarely rush to offer more toilet-scrubbing and diaper-changing is not in itself surprising. As Martin Luther King Jr. once observed, “We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”
"Yes, dear readers, it’s true: Maintaining some semblance of parity in your marriage requires you to deploy the same kinds of nasty tactics you swore you would never stoop to as a parent but nonetheless found yourself using the minute you actually had a kid. Bribery and punishment work; so do yelling and complaining. Threats are also effective, as long as everyone knows you mean business. With husbands, tender blandishments and nooky are particularly useful, as is the withholding of the aforementioned.
...Unfortunately, all too many women are still teaching their children that “woman is the nigger of the world,” as John Lennon and Yoko Ono put it so memorably in a song lyric years ago."
First she is superior, in control, makes the rules and has the right to threaten. Then she complains she is oppressed and compares herself to Martin Luther King, Jr. and uses the "N" word inappropriately. I checked into it, Leslie Bennets, the author, is white.
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Husband Number 2?
(Excerpt from the article) - "According to the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, women spent an average of 27 hours a week on housework in 2002, while men spent 16 hours (which at least represents an improvement over the 16 seconds or so a lot of them spent a generation ago). Even today, married men perform little more than a third of household labor, whether or not their wives are in the paid labor force. And women spend more than twice as much time as men do on child care."
Now the cute feminist trick here lies in what is defined as "housework."
Guess what?
Cleaning out the gutters, mowing the lawn, raking the leaves, changing the oil, washing the cars, maintaining the air conditioner, building a fence, painting the house, constructing a deck, -- etc. -- apparently none of these efforts of domestic servitude count as "housework."
Also men's on average ten hours of additional on-the-job work per week (assuming the wife works at all outide the home)is very oddly not mentioned in this astute piece of feminist reporting.
And by the way. This female journalist sounds like a bitch from hell when you read her arrogant and condescending remarks about her current husband -- No. 2.
I think there will be a husband No. 3 in the near future, tragically.
Sounds like she's jealous
Sounds like the author is just jealous that her husband gets positive attention from her friends.
Excuse me? Here’s a news flash for you: Jeremy is not soooo wonderful. I, actually, am the one who is soooo wonderful.
Does it hurt when you bend around to kiss your own ass?
it's legitimate feminist math
take 1/2 truth women do LOTS more housework than men, WHICH PROVES THEY ARE OUR BETTERS.
take another 1/2 truth by qualifying chores men do almost entirely, like oil changing, gutters, yard work, repairs, and killing spiders (among many many more) as not being important enough to include.
be sure to add the 1/2 truth about women having to provide a significant part of the family's spendable income, just like men (forget affirmative action and the legion of laws passed to be sure they could compete).
throw in the 1/2 truth how watching opie and soaps all day long is JUST like working in the real world. and cabooiinng - you have feminist math.
1/2 truth + 1/2 truth + 1/2 truth + 1/2 truth = 100% feminized truth.
i don't understand why so many women can't balance a check book w/ that logic. OOPs - oh yeah, that is one of those words women hate to hear - LOGIC ( see butt kissers list, AOL opening news page today). 10 things that piss women off. right at the top...Logic. 'splains a lot. pathetic really that the pitiful 1/2 men listen to them at all.
and she got away w/ using the "N" word too. feministas could probably pass a law if they wanted saying women get to say it whenever they fell victimized, or whenever, duh. poor thangs. they already get everything else they want in dc. piece of cake.
funny thing tho - when women don't have a man around they have to PAY to get these unimportant things done. and any man can learn to wash clothes, clean up, watch TV, talk endlessly on the phone, and so forth. a lot of men learned some of these basic tasks growing up in a "complete family" (as NOT defined by feminists), and some by serving their country. maybe women are so mad all the time because they can't seem to learn the hard stuff, w/o help, from a man.
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