Student's nightmare over false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

"A man's life was left in tatters by a woman who falsely cried rape.

Louise Ndikum spun a 10-month tissue of lies which ended with innocent Alexesi Chua having to appear in court.

He broke down in the witness box as he was forced to give evidence even though the single mum had admitted perverting the course of justice.

Ndikum –originally told police she had been raped in the street by a stranger. And when confronted by detectives she continued to lie – this time claiming she had been raped by a man in his house.

Ndikum admitted lying to police but maintained her charade until the bitter end at Portsmouth Crown Court."

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These stories are fairly easy to find. I usually find them from local TV stations or newspapers. The problem is these situations RARELY make the MSM. Unfortunately, you'll never see such a story as a prime time headline on CNN. This is why most of society is ignorant in regard to false rape accusations. Many people still believe feminist bullshit statistics that suggest less than 2% of women lie about rape.

And the few who do identify the reality are not concerned with individual justice, rather the fear that legitimate rape victims won't come forward.

I don't believe false rape accusations has a negative impact on the legitimate ones. If anything some women have learned that a false accusation equals no consequence for them. They don't possess any empathy for the man that has to endure the horror of their lie.

Women and the lack of accountability. Its a flaw that ultimately creates havoc for men.


"We are generation of men raised by women. I’m wondering if another woman is the answer we really need."

[Fight Club]

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The girl that falselly accussed me of rape was never charged either.

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I could not imagine what you must have endured during that ordeal. It really puts things into perspective when it actually happened to a member of MANN.

I hope that you see justice one day, you deserve it.

"We are generation of men raised by women. I’m wondering if another woman is the answer we really need."

[Fight Club]

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