The War on Boys starting now at birth

With MSN leading the charge, of course. Read the crap here. Excerpt:

'Depression is one of the most common postpartum medical problems that new moms face. New research suggests that the risk is even higher for those who give birth to boys.

Most moms will readily admit that rambunctious little boys are a bit more challenging to parent than little girls, who are generally quieter and less physically active. But the impacts of gender on parenting don’t necessarily start once the little ones start toddling.

New research out of France found that women who gave birth to boys were significantly more likely to suffer from severe postpartum depression than women who gave birth to girls. The findings weren't limited to severe depression: Women who gave birth to boys were also much more likely to report a lower quality of life than women who gave birth to girls.'

Working up the case for gender-selection "for the good of the baby and the mother". Meanwhile the preference for boys in India and China will remain denounced as pro-female selection gets built up over here in the supposedly more-enlightened West. The difference? Boys bad, girls good. Geez, ought to be obvious by now, right?

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This article is retarded and whoever did the "research" is f*cking moron. I'm sorry, but the actual academic quoted in the article says it best “There were only 17 mothers with severe depression and 13 had boys. A study with such small numbers doesn’t prove anything.”

The sample size was 17! 17! That's less people than are in a typical subway car. That's not a sample size worthy of extrapolating anything except that the author of the study was a lazy ass who didn't want to be bothered actually doing work.

My apologies for the bad language, but the fact that an article was written about a "study" that asked 17 people anything is absurd.

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You took the words out of my mouth--expletives and all. This is bullshit.

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In the so-called social sciences, that is called "qualitative research."

You can have a sample size of ONE and get published in some obscure academic journal that thirteen people read.

I know because I took graduate courses in "ethnography."

It is basically a kind of story-telling which is fine --- so long as it is not represented as serious scientific sampling and data crunching.

A lot of this BS research grew out of the "women's ways of knowing" movement in the 1980's. Carol Gilligan's nonsense.

The disguised tyranny of subjectivity.

I think it is an interesting cultural experiment. So I am all for more goofy feminist "research" because people who read will eventually catch on to the scam.

Though I am still waiting for feminist physics, feminist engineering, feminist medicine, and feminist-fill-in-the-blanks ANYTHING OF VALUE to make the world better.

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It's simple.

Women want daughters, men want sons. What they forgot to mention was that men are much more likely to have "postpartum depression" (I guess we can throw that around however we want nowadays) when their wives give birth to girls.

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So I am all for more goofy feminist "research" because people who read will eventually catch on to the scam.

Be careful for what you wish for. These "studies" are all over the place and even quoted by media outlets. Unquestioned. Unstudied. Just taken at face value. "Oh, this study's summary says men are slobs. Let's use it!"

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