DNA Samples will now be collected at the federal level from all those who are arrested

Story here. Thanks to VAWA, Federal officials will start collecting DNA samples from all those arrested for federal crimes (including arrests for tax evasion). Those not charged and those who are acquitted "may" be able to have the samples deleted from the database; however, they can only request it. Per Federal regulations, samples cannot be disclosed to third parties such as insurance companies and hospitals (however, doing so is only a misdemeanor).

Yes, gents, since all of us are potential rapists, we must all have our genetic information recorded in a database for when we do rape someone. Excerpt:

'The U.S. government will soon begin collecting DNA samples from all citizens arrested in connection with any federal crime and from many immigrants detained by federal authorities, adding genetic identifiers from more than 1 million individuals a year to the swiftly growing federal law enforcement DNA database.

The policy will substantially expand the current practice of routinely collecting DNA samples from only those convicted of federal crimes, and it will build on a growing policy among states to collect DNA from many people who are arrested. Thirteen states do so now and turn their data over to the federal government.
The database expansion was authorized by Congress as an amendment to the Violence Against Women Act and was billed primarily as a way to track down serial rapists, murderers and other offenders. "We know for a fact that the proposed regulations will save the lives of many innocent people and will prevent devastating crimes," said Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), a sponsor of the legislation. "These regulations are long overdue -- we should have done this 10 years ago."'

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"The database expansion was authorized by Congress as an amendment to the Violence Against Women Act and was billed primarily as a way to track down serial rapists, murderers and other offenders. "We know for a fact that the proposed regulations will save the lives of many innocent people and will prevent devastating crimes," said Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), a sponsor of the legislation. "These regulations are long overdue -- we should have done this 10 years ago.'"

Domestic Violence Law Is A Hate Movement

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Will a citizen have the right to refuse providing a DNA sample?

Otherwise, this is totalitarianism in the guise of "public protection."

We are becoming a nation based on 24 x 7 fear.

It cannot be sustained.

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The Nebraska legislature proposed a law this year stating that all those arrested for a felony will provide a DNA sample and will not be allowed to leave the police station until they do so. I'm not sure if it passed.

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I have a friend that did one year in prison. He told me that when he got processed that they took a DNA sample. Reason: if there is a riot, or any other castrophic event then they would be able to tell who was who. They have been doing this a while now. National data base of DNA. Fact, not fiction.

David A. DeLong

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Hello Folks!

I hope that I am not the only one that see's this as a fight for survival, not only for men, but for the entire Human Race as well. We are being played. We have been for thousands of years. The only hope that we as a People is that the mean intelligence reaches the point of saturation. By that I mean that we as a People learn that we are being played. If one cares to pay attention to things, we are very very close. Which means that the proverbial crap will hit the fan shortly.
Well, you know I don't really care who wins, as long as everybody wins!

David A. DeLong

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