Update: Feminist thought police at Colorado College

Two men at Colorado College satirized a feminist rag and ended up in a "star chamber"-like inquiry.

The editor of the Rocky Mountain News took CC to task.

The director of the CC Feminist and Gender Studies Program responds that feminists just want a dialogue .

The RMN editor responds to her here.

Excerpt from original editorial:

"Chris Robinson is a one-man free-speech movement. Colorado College, where Robinson is a senior majoring in political science, believes free speech on certain topics is worrisome and must be corralled. So its thought police subjected Robinson and a fellow student (who has chosen to remain anonymous) to an inquisition last month after they published a parody of a campus feminist flier known as The Monthly Rag."

Some good comments and you can add your own.

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I am really interested in how SPEECH is now being criminalized as part of our society's Gender Wars.

And notice -- it is always what MEN say about WOMEN, or men's theories about gender issues.

It is very close already to the "thought police" that Orwell and Huxley wrote about a few decades ago.

The two guys at Colorado "College" have a lawsuit to explore.

Writing a parody of another publication can in no way be deemed "violence."

The school violated their rights according to its own written policies of free speech.

I would sue their asses off.

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We need to do more to reach out to college age males..

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