"Divorce by Youtube"

Story here. Watch the video-- see how the two desk reporters handle the issue. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK -- A New York woman involved in a divorce battle spilled secrets about her husband, his family and their intimate life in a "scary, new step" in user generated content, attorneys said.

Tricia Walsh-Smith can be watched on YouTube lashing out at her husband, Broadway executive Philip Smith, in a teary and furious clip that has been viewed more than 150,000 times.
Other divorce experts said the video will likely come back to haunt her. They said the clip probably won't help her in front of a judge.'

The video itself? here.

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That girl so reminds me of my ex-wife!

Beautiful, smart, and completely C-R-A-Z-Y!

Everything for her is a performance ---

nothing is ever honest or sincere.

You know, just a normal girl.

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i read somewhere that she signed a prenup,
and there are no children involved to make it void.
so it looks like she won't get to go to the bank w/ her attorney.

guess she's afraid the judge will actually act like an honorable
being and uphold the law. it will be a first. judges have thrown
out prenups before if they feel they are unfair, or for whatever reason
suits their fancy. notice how the media types say this might hurt
her case. what case? she signed a LEGAL document.
maybe she is afraid she and her lawyer(s) won't get to run
naked through his bank account. he's a rich guy. and the main principle
behind u.s. law is to make sure all women get $$$, and the lawyers get a cut,
and make that a BIG cut from rich guys. much like used car sales, but w/o the honor.

my bet is this is a ploy to gain attention to her poor plight and
bring down the wrath of the great
and powerful feminist goddess and her worshipers, and they are legion.

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guy walks into a friendly neighborhood bar, sees a pretty girl and tries to strike up a friendly conversation.

Guy: Hi, you sure look pretty tonight. Can I buy you a drink?

Girl: Thank you, and yes. (she orders an expensive drink from the bartender)

Guy: You are welcome. You come in here often?

Girl: No, not really. I just wanted to see the band. Heard they are really good.

Guy: Yeah, they are pretty good. What's your name?

Girl: Carmen

Guy: That's a pretty name. Is it an old family name?

Girl: No, I gave it to myself. It reflects the things I love in life. Cars and men.
That's just the way I am. What's your name?

Guy: Uh, oh yeah, BJ Titsnbeer.

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Sadly, there is nothing too funny about the Gender Wars.

And the exploitation of men.

I like the joke.

But I do not like the punchline because the guy degrades himself with an admission that he implicitly needs pussy.

The power dynamic is all in favor of the woman in the joke narrative.

Maybe I am too much into semiotics.....

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