SueEasy has circumcision entry
Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2008-04-16 17:01
I just found out about this web site. One of the actions is a class-action suit over circumcision.
Successful or not, it will be a good way to show that there are many of us who are not at all happy about it and we are not staying silent. The case looks like it has been started by a user 'gburlin'. gburlin, if you're out there, please post in comments.
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Here's what I wrote
An unnecessary, life-altering elective procedure was done to me shortly after birth that has substantially reduced the natural functioning of my reproductive organ. I did not nor was I able to consent to this procedure and the nature of its impact exceeds reasonable allowance for the exercise of parental decision rights.
Shortly after I was born on MM/DD/YYYY, I was circumcised. This action, based on evidence of human physiology gleaned from research, substantially reduced the sensitivity and responsiveness of my reproductive organs and rendered important parts of their functioning inoperative, resulting in a substantial diminishment of my quality of life and having had negative psychological effects that were entirely avoidable.
The action was done without my consent and absent medical necessity. Since it resulted in permanent disfiguring and functional impairment of an important part of my body, its execution exceeded the rights of my parents to mandate the process, lawful though it was at the time and remains so, and requested nonetheless in good faith by them.
The actual agent of action, the hospital in question (*Name of hospital and location*), however, undertook this procedure without disclosing the nature and impact of this procedure to my parents. In addition, its behavior with regard to the procedure was reckless, also with a state of negligent indifference being present, together constituting an action and that is, absent redress in criminal courts, nonetheless subject to redress in a civil one.
I claim damages of $10 million for pain and suffering compensation due to the injuries herein described.
Re: SueEasy has circumcision entry
Hi Matt,
Yes, I put that in. I have to say, I just threw something in there, it could have been much better with a little planning.
However, I'm surprised already at some of the comments of those joining it.
Actually, there was one obnoxious comment, but now it's gone. So does that mean someone at SueEasy is monitoring things, and leaving all those good comments, and taking out the bad ones? I'm not sure.
Re: SueEasy has circumcision entry
Oh, I should have said, Happy Birthday, such as it is.
Thanks for contributing to the class action lawsuit.
You're Not Alone
I'm glad somebody's doing something about unnecessary circumcision. I too was mutilated as an infant, and I seek compensation. Literally a piece of my penis was cut off w/o my consent, as an infant. That just ain't right! Now I feel like a fraction of a man, and I'm certain that sex will feel a lot less pleasurable than it is supposed to. I also have little confidence with women as a result of this. And I have the incompetent health care professionals who altered my genitalia against my will to thank.
I also left a comment on that site. I can't go back and copy it because I closed the window and they haven't posted it yet, but when they do, I'll copy and paste it on this site.
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