A Report Card on the Women’s Rights Movement

Article here. Excerpt:

"The women’s rights movement has now proven to be the most destructive force on the face of the earth. Before 1920, feminists made promises and based their arguments on things for which they have never been held accountable, nor produced. To the contrary, their actions have brought the opposite results. Let us therefore grade feminism and see how it has fared..."

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• War:

One of the arguments of the women’s rights movement was that if women were allowed to enter into politics, war would cease; for women would not send their children into war. Obviously, there has been no reduction of war since 1920. In fact, every year the number of fatalities in the War on the Womb equals our nation’s fatalities from all wars from the American Revolution to today!

Hillary voted for the Iraq War as well as any funding for it afterwards. You couldn't get much more feminist than Hillary and here she is, voting for more of what feminists love to hate: war and violence. I won't touch the abortion argument the author uses, however.

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The Biblical spin that this author portends puts me off .... i.e. the whole "Garden of Eden" scenario.

Mainly because that is all ancient fiction.

Any taint of religion will kill a logical argument.

Leave your personal god at home when you discuss men's rights, please.

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It was located under the embedded links in the above article. Just read the first couple chapters...

It explains why matriarchy follows a herd mentality and the most base societal organization, whereas when fathers are involved and remain involved actual "families" develop leading to the development of civilizations.

It clearly explains why there is no "family" in mother headed/father absent households.

This type of article should be taught to every male in every high school and every university in the land.

oregon dad

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