Mom Kills Daughter Because She Thought She Was Possessed By a Demon

Story here. Excerpt:

"An Illinois mother told police she fatally stabbed her daughter because the 6-year-old was possessed by a demon.

Nelly Vasquez-Salazar, 25, who claims her daughter, Evelyn, attacked her, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder in her death, myFOXChicago reported.

A judge set a $5 million bail for Vasquez-Salazar, who says her daughter recently began sleepwalking."

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Another example of a murderess who'll "Yate" the judicial system.

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1. Kill child in any way you want. The more creative, the better.
2. Clean up mess
3. If caught, proceed as follows:
4. You're motives should include either satan, God, or both.
5. Ride the insanity plea ride as far as you can go.
6. Learn ping-pong
7. Walk out free
8. Wait for book-deals and invites from Oprah.

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Hmm, maybe my ex fiance was possessed to. I guess I should have stabbed her in the heart instead of just ending the relationship. Oh well, at least now I know for next time.


How come mentally ill men who kill children get put to death and mentally ill women who kill children get to walk free? At least this woman is being held on $5 million bail so she'll spend some time in jail before her defense attorney melts the jury members heart's with some invented tale of woe, she balls her eyes out the entire trial and they set her loose upon the world once again.

Poor little girl. She died an awful death and no one will likely ever be held accountable for it.

If a man rapes a child, he can be put to death (in 7 States so far and counting), a woman slaughters a child with a knife and well, we all just want to give the murderess a big hug. Our society has some fucked up ideals.

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It's incredible. It seems like the trait of accountability is on the Y chromosome only. I say this b/c woman after woman kills her own child, finds a piss poor excuse for doing so, and somehow winds up with a get out of jail free card. I see the wheels of injustice are now oiled by the blood of murdered innocent children.

It doesn't matter that 40% of murder victims are killed by their own mother; if a mom kills her own kid, she must have had a good reason do so. After all, only she brought the kid into the world, she can take it out too, right? /sarcasm Excuse me while I go throw up.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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