Japan's 'geisha guys' the latest accessory

Article here. Excerpt:

'The woman, a successful executive, has joined a growing number of professional women in Japan in forking out from $1,000 to $50,000 a night for male companionship.

They meet their "hosts" in hundreds of clubs that have sprung up around Tokyo - the industry says only compliments are exchanged. The women pay for a man to lavish them with undivided attention.

"There's nothing wrong with a woman paying to be entertained by a man," one female client says. "It's just another step in equality."

It's a dizzying reversal of traditional gender roles in a country long known for geishas pampering male clients with conversation, singing and dancing. Now a new breed of entertainer has cropped up -- think of them as male geishas.'

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I know you will all hate me for saying this but I don't really see a problem. As long as there are still women prepared to be geishas men can still have their "fun".

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... the issue here is that for millenia it has been asserted/believed that if given the same chance to use men for temporary sexual or personal ego-gratification, women categorically would not do so. This new trend exposes that belief for what it is: hooey. Alas the excesses of the human ego are not restricted to one sex alone; feminists have been insisting they are all the while evidence shows that such is not the case.

But I concur sirprince, that as long as men can be 'entertained' by geisha/"hostesses", then women can be 'entertained' as well by the same mechanism. Just if one will condemn men doing so, they should be condemning women as well rather than calling it "empowering". But as you can see, that is not happening.

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mc99, I think I was a little naive in my last comment.

You say women's attitudes towards sex are no different to men's, and I agree totally. I suppose my previous comments were based on the assumption that feminists will see both male and female geishas in the same way, as well as the people using them.

But you are probably right when you say they (feminists) will greet this news with cheers and high fives, yet will continue to condemn men for their 'exploitation' of women.

I suppose my faith in human nature ( or at least that of femininsts) still needs to be undermined a little more...

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"There's nothing wrong with a woman paying to be entertained by a man," one female client says. "It's just another step in equality."

While I agree, nobody should ever have to hear her bitch about men paying women for sex/entertainment ever again.

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