The Feminist Language Police

Story here. Excerpt:

"A row has broken out over the translation of a best-selling novel by the British author Mark Haddon after a "feminist" attempted to make some of the characters female...

..."As we corrected her text, we realised that she was systematically translating neutral words into feminine ones, and masculine words into feminine or neutral forms," said Moisés Barcia, the editor at Rinoceronte. "She chose to make the narrator's pet rat a female, even though its name was Toby," he said. In another instance she changed "men" to "xente", meaning people.

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An interesting example of two common themes: the feminist perversion of language, and the refusal of certain members of the female sex to do a job properly. Solution: don't employ feminists as translators.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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Rodent colonies have a more evolved culture than feminists do anyway. Rodents are also more astute and ethical scholars, than the feminists in academia. Hey, wait a minute..I hope no rats are reading this - they might get pissed off at the comparison I'm making!


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She was not retained to determine what is and is not sexist or a stereotype, or use a “translation strategy” of her own volition. She was, however, being paid by written contract requiring high standards in maintaining fidelity to the original work.

She clearly failed to do so, instead substituting discredited feminist dogma. The publisher rightly showed her the door.

She would do better in life if she ditched the feminist baggage that encourages conveniently disregarding or altering reality to suit a current need.

Filing a brainless suit underscores this point.

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feminist version of "hand in the cookie jar".
not too bright in general are they?

and a lawsuit. well she is a feminist isn't she?

the law is their steppin' stone. got them this far.
they own it. nobody has disagreed
w/ them yet and won
in the courts or in the legislatures.

remember vawa? imbra? not one vote against.

bet she wins.

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