Woman sentenced to 99 years for masterminding murder

Story here. 35-year old mother, good looking, hard luck story, supportive husband, she didn't pull the trigger and she is still sentenced to 99 years for masterminding a murder. Even tears and appeals to psychological "experts" didn't help. She won't be eligible for parole for 33 years.

Looks as if the default assumption of "Man-Bad/Woman-Good" is beginning to fray around the edges.

A remark from the presiding judge is worth noting:
"In my mind I can find no principled distinction between the puppet who pulls the trigger and the puppeteer who pulls the strings," Volland said of Linehan's role. "And in my judgment, Ms. Linehan was the puppeteer who pulled the strings."

Some interesting stuff in the comments section, too.

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Whats wrong with giving her a 100 years? I guess that extra year gives her hope of release when she's 140 years old.

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