Woman in YouTube 'rape' is arrested over underage sex

Article here. Excerpt:

'The three-minute clip, filmed on a mobile phone, apparently showed a young and unconscious mother being gang raped as she lay helpless in her own home.
The alleged victim claims it shows her being raped by three boys in front of her screaming children, aged two and four, after being drugged.

But yesterday it was revealed that the 24-year-old woman has now been arrested on suspicion of unlawful sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old and perverting the course of justice.

Scotland Yard confirmed it will take no further action against two 16-year-olds and a 14-year old arrested in February in connection with the video.'

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Now female pedophiles are playing the "he raped me" card to try to get out of a punishment.

False rape accusation - It's not just for unfaithful wives and teenagers getting home too late anymore!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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