Study shows that circumcision does not shield men from STD

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Even though it's common sense to anyone with a brain, a study shows that you are still able to catch STDs no matter how mutilated your penis is.


Circumcision does not appear to shield men from the types of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) common in the developed world, according to new research by Dr. Nigel P. Dickson and colleagues in the Journal of Pediatrics.from New Zealand.

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I used to be an advocate of circumcision and now I'm totally against it. Just like war, what is it good for? Absolutely Nothing! Say it again!

In fact, now I wonder what it would be like having a foreskin. I'll never know. Perhaps one of the reasons why I'm so disgusted by people not respecting male genital integrity is b/c mine was violated when I was baby, and a few more times when I was a young child (groin shots), and I guess those traumatic events probably stayed with me.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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What's war good for?? Oh I dunno, ask our founding fathers.

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And in other news, plants are good for the environment and helpful to people who breath oxygen.

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I don't think the American Revolution was really necessary in all honesty. I mean look at Canada. We broke away peacefully. I really don't think war accomplishes much in most cases, though sometimes it does, as in the world wars.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The middle East couldn't have cared less about attacking the west until after WWII. They started hating the West after the west decided to recreate Israel by slicing up land of countries that were not even in the war to do it. That's the whole root of the problem they have with the west.

War is good for nothing. It just creates more conflict that's still going on 64 years after the end of the last one. First the Cold War, Korean War and Vietnam, now the war in Iraq. All are by products of the events from WWI to an extent and more so WWII.

War is useless except to create more war

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You have to go back a bit farther in the history of geopolitics to locate the source of our current Middle East crises.

You have to understand the era of European colonialism in the 1800's - 1900's.

All of these Middle East "nations" were artificial creations by the British and French (primarily) who "decided" to draw some lines on a map and make them countries.

Iraq and Iran, India and Pakistan, etc. - the list is long - all evolved out of colonial imperialism. (And let's not even mention Africa...)

So, what is happening today is in some degree poetic justice; the chickens coming home to roost.

Apparently it is true that if you break it, you buy it.

Unfortunately, America is paying the price for the sins of our forefathers, before we were even a real imperial power ourselves.

Well, I guess Halliburton and the Bush-Bin Laden family ties figure into it as well....

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