More Pseudo-science: Men (particularly whites) are "less empathetic"

It's official. Read it here. More than that, white men in particular are less empathetic than... everyone else.

This "experimental report" includes two fractionate categories: "white men" and "everyone else". No experimental bias here! And by the way, just how does one measure "empathy" in an objective way? What "newly-devised test instrument" did they use that the author mentions? Well anyway, excerpt:

'In several previous posts, I've discussed Simon Baron-Cohen's theory of autism as a symptom of an "extreme male brain" ..., and also Mary Bucholtz's hypothesis that nerdity is defined by "hyperwhite" behavior ... I'm ashamed to say that it never seriously occurred to me to cross-pollinate these two theories, ...
Thus, in their sample at least, the difference between males and females in two empathy-related measures was smaller than the difference between whites and non-whites.

I'm not suggesting that there are innate racial differences in empathy*, nor that autism is caused by excessively caucasian genetics. Rather, I'm suggesting we should be cautious about attributing stereotypical male-female differences too quickly to the (developmental or immediate) effects of sex hormones.'

*Yeah, sure.

Confirms what we've know all along: men, and white men in particular, are brutal conquerors incapable of the kind of understanding and empathy with others that comes easily to everyone else. Centuries of sun deprivation and a need to be aggressive to compete for scarce resources bred Europe-dwelling men into tall, white, strong, ruthless creatures with little concern for others and a serious superiority attitude complex that shows no signs of going away despite decades of activism. Just listen to "The Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin; that's all you need to know.

Ooogha! Valhalla, I am coming! Arrggghhhh!

Wonder what the word is for "bullshit" in ancient Swedish?

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(From the studies author) -- "We don't know how general or stable this result is, because the sample was neither representative nor balanced..."

Translation - this is an assistant professor who needs to publish something - ANYTHING - to get promoted.

Can you believe these people get paid six figures a year for these kinds of charades?

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The Swedish term for BS is -- "snacka skit."

BTW - I saw Zeppelin perform that song live on three occasions. Two were incredibly impressive. The third time, Jimmy Page had imbibed too much Greek ouzo, and he could not even sit up on a stool to play.

After a thirty minute fiasco, Plant gave everyone a sincere apology and a refund for the concert tickets.

Class act, that guy.

Still is today.

Go see him touring with Allison Krauss.

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"Its politically incorrect to be a white male"


"The sunshine bores the daylights out of me.
Chasing shadows moonlight mystery."

[Rolling Stones]

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Simon Baron-Cohen and Mary Bucholtz are clearly sexist and racist respectively, but unfortunately noone will call them that. Incidentally, I am a non white male.

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"The sunshine bores the daylights out of me.
Chasing shadows moonlight mystery."

[Rolling Stones]

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Anybody who believes such a stupid report has got to have a single digit IQ. As I read it, all I could think is "This report was done by someone who considers themself a psychology expert"? Yeah right! That report was dripping with BS. It's totally unbelievable, that is, unless you're a sexist racist idiot and want to believe what it has to say.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The whole psychology industry is dripping with BS. Most people go into that field to try and figure out their own problems and when they figure out something they think works for them they try and apply en masse. There is no actual science in the whole of the mental health industry. It's the modern day Alchemy, nothing more.

The problem is that the human mind is not is not a collective, every example is unique. there is no one fix, there is no magic pill, there is no absolutes or constants.

That's why all of the so called "psychology experts" in fact are no more wise when it comes to matters of the mind then you, I, or anyone else. They are all just guessing

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Maybe they meant "men are less pathetic", not "empathetic".

Now that would make some sense...

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