Boys - Casualties of the Gender Wars

Article here. Excerpt:

"Male children are showing deterioration in achievement, lowered acceptance into colleges, increasing diagnosis of various “hyperactivity” or “attention deficit” disorders (with concomitant medication of such alleged “disorders”); and decreasing attendance at school. Furthermore, reports indicate boys between the ages of 5 and 14 are 200% more likely to commit suicide than are girls, and that, within that age range, boys are 36% more likely to die (of all causes) than their female counterparts.
Despite the current wisdom, males are at distinct disadvantages in our cultural milieu. Boys are “feminized” in the early years of their education and socialization, and by the time that they reach adolescence, many are conflicted as to their roles in society, and especially as to their interaction with the opposite gender. The shockingly high incidence of suicide among adolescent males is a reflection of this conflict.

Rather than trying to “neutralize” our male children, we should be developing methods within our schools to utilize the characteristics of both genders, each to their strengths, and not employ principles of “reverse discrimination” in order to rectify past inequalities. Such discrimination, like that used in regard to racial and/or religious differences, is destructive to our boys, and makes for adult men with handicaps which are destructive to our society as a whole."

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The "boy's crisis" will be addressed politically in about four years...

That is because a whole generation of elite, college-educated young women are not going to be able to locate husbands with sufficient income generation. (Unless they decide to marry plumbers and contractors.)

Not only do women not want to "marry down" financially -- they also desire intellectually interesting domestic servants as spouses.

So, it's going to be a problem for women who thought that "Girrrrlllll Power" was the answer.

Oh, and then there are the babies to be made. (And the twenty-year hiatus from career involvement....)

Can you imagine a more irrational species?

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what you don't know, don't want to learn and i have grave doubts, knowing existing attitudes by feminist teachers, will ever understand.

imho to get boys back in the "black" so to speak, at this late date, they must be taught mainly by men. it will help 10000% w/ discipline too, so you can quit drugging so many of them.

imho it's long overdue. and that bit about boys educated w/o girls constantly around will hurt their social skills is a crock. boys will learn soon enough about girls.

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