Boyfriend of woman stuck to toilet charged

Story here. Suppose if the sexes were reversed, she would be facing charges? In either case the other person would have been in the wrong for not doing something sooner. And either person would rightly be called, well, stupid. But the question here is equal treatment/protection under the law. Is a man getting equal treatment as compared to what a woman gets in a comparable situation? Excerpt:

'NESS CITY, Kan. - A man whose girlfriend authorities say spent nearly two years in a bathroom in their house, sitting on the toilet so long that the seat adhered to her body, has been charged with mistreatment of a dependent adult.
McFarren told authorities that Babcock feared leaving the bathroom and may not have left it in two years, although said he was unsure how long she was in there. He said that he took her food and water daily, and that he repeatedly asked her to come out but that she usually replied “maybe tomorrow.”

“The only thing I am guilty of is I didn’t get her help sooner,” McFarren told The Associated Press nearly a week ago.

Ness County Attorney Craig Crosswhite said the mistreatment charge most closely fit the situation.'

It strikes me they had to dust off the penal law books to scrounge up something to charge him with. And they did.

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Personally, I think this dude's only crime is that he was not smart enough to move out and get away from this psycho bitch.

She allegedly stayed in the bathroom for two years while he brought her food and asked her to leave the bathroom every day.

The whole thing reads like a John Waters movie.

Did he buy her toilet paper?

That means he was an accessory to her victimization.

Did they inhabit a two-bathroom apartment?

Because ummm ... where did he do his business?

This whole story looks like a hoax...

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"Dependant Adult" is an excellent phrase that applies to SO many people now days.

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Sat on his toilet and didn't move? Retarded shit. Where the hell did they get the original story, the Dave Chapelle Show?

Mr. Reality's New Story: Rudov on Radio: "Making your partner/Spouse your top priority."

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My toilet is very comfortable. Its a great place to read and perfect for privacy.

Actually I agree with Roy. The guy is guilty of being an idiot and she's guilty of being crazier than a shit house rat.

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This is SO bizarre!

Riddle me this, though: If she was stuck on the toilet, how did she take care of, umm, business with toilet paper? On the other hand, I don't want to know!

Freaky people just don't know how to live!


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let me get this straight. woman purposely sits on her BF's toilet for extended period of time so law enforcement goes and finds the MAN who enabled her and her choice and arrests him.

that could be a very slippery slope. "she killed those people, go cuff her husband."
we're heading that way now.

i had the same worry (don't know if that is the proper word) about the cleanliness thing.

my mom has always wondered about my dad's extended stays in there. a peaceful place and all that i can understand tho.

now i want to know about the sex. who, what, where, when and especially HOW?
disgusting minds want to know. no, never mind. could cause bad dreams.

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The man didn't get help for TWO YEARS. Come on, MRAs. I say we drop this one.

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I'm sorry, but those are the two most appropriate words to describe this. I never thought I'd be typing a post regarding a man being charged for a fully capable, full grown woman getting her fat ass stuck to the toilet, and being too embarassed to want to get help, and thereby deterring the man from getting help for the longest time. Any way you slice it, the man did nothing wrong. In fact, had he not got help for her, and brought her food and water, she would have died. The charge against him is pure bullshit and we all know it.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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If an adult female of the age of 35 wants to park her fat ass on a toilet for 2 years so what? This is a free country and SHE CHOSE to move to the crapper for an extended period of time. This is a free country and this man should not have been charged with anything except being a bit on the stupid side for letting this moonbat into his home in the first place. Of course it is common knowledge that women spend much more time in the bathroom than men do anyway.

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This thought occured to me, and I know it is inappropriate.

Maybe she had a big stack of philosophy books by the toilet, and simply became captivated?

Bad. My bad.

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1. She might have been studying to become a plumber

2. Maybe she was fascinated because she didn't know where the toilet water goes after flushing.

3. She could have been writing a book on toilet paper

4. Two years of constipation

5. It took her two years to count all the bathroom tiles.

6. She was out of toilet paper and took her 2 years to tell her boyfriend

7. She ate 4000lbs of taco bell

8. She enjoyed the view from the bathroom window

9. She couldn't find her tampon string

10. She's insane


Lets end this post with a song dedicated to this woman

"Look at me
Ain’t I neat?
wouldn't you think the driver’s completely out of his mind?
wouldn't you think I'm the girl
the girl who has to pee?
look at this van
there’s no toilet
how many hours can one person hold it?
looking around here you'd think
sure, she's really gotta pee
I've got toilets and sinks aplenty
I've got toilet paper and towels galore
(you want bathrooms? I've got 20!)
but who cares?
There not here
Can you stop?
I wanna be where the bathrooms are
I wanna see wanna see 'em flushing
driving around on those
(what do you call 'em? oh, tires)
screaming at the driver you don't get to far
toliets are required for peeing, pooping
strolling along down a
(what's that word again?) oh, highway
up where they pee
up where they poop
up where they sit all day on the pot
wondering why
wish I could be
part of that group
what would I give
if I could pee
right in those toilets"

[Butthole surfers]

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Damn anthony.

I just about died reading that post. It was hilarious. I can't believe the song is actually real. It's gotta be a parody of the song Ariel sings in the Little Mermaid.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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(xtnl) -- "It's gotta be a parody of the song Ariel sings in the Little Mermaid."

You are very sick.

I could explain why.

Good material!

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I like to have fun sometimes. This story was a perfect opportunity.

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Hey Anthony,

Keith Richards wrote that song when he was in art school in U.K.

The Stones never recorded it because Brian Jones got mysteriously drowned in his swimming pool.

Otherwise, it would be the signature tune, followed by "Jumpin' Jack Flash."


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its a song from the punk band "Butthole Surfers"

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