International Men's Day: Why can't we agree on a day to celebrate?

International Men's Day: Can we not agree to a date and celebrate it? We celebrate International Men's Day on November 19th, following the lead of the first day when it was celebrated in Trinidad and Tobago in 1999.

The website is here.

The most comprehensive reportage on why is found there. Yes, it is vernacular and English is used sparingly. Aajtak the Hindi news channels cannot be ignored, as it is the most watched news channel in India, where the most famous MRA in India talks of suicide, marital issues, alimony as reverse dowry, and when he is not hectored, can talk calmly on many issues.

In print, we have almost 10 articles appearing all over the country. Some of them are here.

The International Men's Day presentation which left every reporter moist in eye is here. Why we need to celebrate is discussed here.

At that time we talked of 16th September; later we changed it to November 19th because the first such celebration happened for the first time in Trinidad and Tobago on 19th November and Wikipedia showed more countries, including Canada, showed 19th November as the day of celebration.

What is required is very simple: just cut the cake and take your project team to the movies, or an outing. Visit a prison and distribute sweets. Go to family courts give men support. "We don't need no official sanction!"

Feel important, feel good, feel happy, and remember the unfortunates and fight for them. Indulge in male ego to the utmost; ask your girlfriend to cook for you in the most chauvinistic fashion. :) This is the most important day of your life, let others allow you to indulge.

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Yes Bharati you are right. All over the world there is no specific date as to when a Men's day has to be celebrated in sharp contrast with that of a IWD(Women's day). The reason I feel is that there is no unity among the men world over. To add to this the govt's too are not willing to support this. All the men's group's around the world should be connected and a day has to be decided. Michael Gorbachov was the first one to suggest this, and that date has been accepted by the UN as well. So why not that date can be fixed all over the world to celebrate the event. After all I & the other men too have contributed to the development of this country and the world.

Thankyou for supporting this event & giving us a direction.

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