Feminist Rule: We Must Vote For Clinton

Article here.

It highlights that gender based voting requirements may actually be a threat to democracy. Excerpt:

'"I paused for a long time," says McFadden. "Then I told her I voted for a boy - I wasn't going to lie." McFadden, who has worked on women's issues for twenty years, says the room went silent and the board chair chastised her. "It was clear that I had betrayed feminism by voting for Barack Obama. It became obvious - if you didn't vote for Hillary Clinton, you were less than a feminist and only marginally a woman."'

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If a radical feminist can vote for Clinton because she's a woman, he or she has no right to be mad at me for voting against her for the same reason. Of course, I'm labeled a sexist pig for daring to suggest that.

Note: I'm voting against Clinton for many reasons and none of them involve her genitalia (can't say the same thing about a lot of Clinton supporters, though).

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Fascism is all about rules and oppression. In this case they're manipulating women which is a form of oppression.

I've said it before, feminists can also be the enemy of many women.

Feminism appeals to hyper sensitive, sexually frustrated women who are intimidated by men. Its a movement based on weakness and hatred.

"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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that phrase implies that these feminists get a salary for being feminists. and "legion" is their name.

bet i know who pays those salaries. VAWA (taxpayers). maybe colleges that fund womyn's studies. womyn's political action groups (federally funded). and so on. men do, one way or another.

and these are just some tributes amerikans pay off womyn for being... well, female. just like how ancient rome paid off the barbarians, right before it fell.

and some more would be the vast majority of alimony, palimony, child support w/o a top end, presumption of automatic custody of children in divorce, welfare, affirmative action hiring, quotas, paternity fraud, sexual harassment laws, so called "no fault divorce", and i'm sure there are many more ways amerikans have to make sure their precious womyn pay "their own way" in society.

yeah, feminists, just like hillery, worked their way to the top, but definitely, positively, assuredly, and most conveniently, on the coattails of nearby males.

and they still haven't learned,
that real respect has to be earned.

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Fascism is all about rules and oppression.

Wrong. Fascism is all about oppression which is brought about via "tyrannical rule." There is a difference. As a matter of fact the inequality between women and men stems partially from the fact that women are continously allowed to ignore the "rules" while men are often held to them. In short, the "rules"(no matter how beneficial they may be to society) seem not to apply to women. Thus the problem lies partially in the "privileged group"(i.e. Women) not being held accountable when breaking the rules.

In Closing: Some rules benefit society, others do not.

For instance I am quite comfortable with the fact that there are "rules" against stealing, murdering, etc.

Mr. Reality's domain

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It is truly sad that the first woman to run a credible campaign for President of the USA turned out to be Hillary.

We could have done so much better.

Susan Sarandon, Phyllis Schafley, Margaret Thatcher. ( I guess Maggie would need to become an American citizen first.)

Hillary is failing not because she is a woman, but because she is herself.

People see the facade, the dissembling, the masquerade....

Go home girl and try to find your husband.

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