Colorado Rockies face mediation over 'Ladies Night'

Story here. Excerpt:

"The Colorado Rockies have been ordered into mediation by state authorities after a man complained that he was denied a free "Ladies Night" game pass because of his gender.

The ruling comes from the Colorado Civil Rights Division, which concluded that the man, Stephen Horner, had a valid concern and it needs to be addressed, according to a report from KDVR-Television in Denver.

Horner reported he attended a Major League Baseball game with the Rockies in Denver in 2007 when employees of the team were handing out free vouchers to a future game – to women only. He said he asked for a voucher but was told he couldn't have one because he is a man.

He complained, but got no results, he claimed in a subsequent gender discrimination complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division."

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Notice the word "complained" is used. If it was a female the article would say she was "protesting" an injustice.

Apparently he's been deemed a complainer.

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Yesterday I drove to work and turned the radio on. I selected 850 KOA, and immediately heard a male and female commentator talking about Steve Horner with contempt. The male commmentator called Steven Horner "an idiot" while the female said he needed to "man up."

I sent the following to Alan Roach, the male sports commentator:

"I was listening to your comments on anti-feminist Steve Horner and his lawsuits against Ladies Night, and wanted to make a point. I think that it's a legitimate issue, although I think that he took the wrong approach in trying to get it banned. It would have been better to demand an equivalent Men's Night at bars instead, although I don't know how practical this would be in practice.

Also, there are many valid men's issues that are more important than Ladies Night, so this is a relatively minor issue. From divorce and custody issues to health care and education for boys, it appears that males are getting the short end of the stick. In the long run, nobody benefits when one gender or the other is discriminated against. Simply referring to Steve Horner as "an idiot" and telling him to "man up" is part of the mainstream media's perpetuation of negative stereotypes of men.

It needs to change.

Steve Van Valkenburg"

Surprisingly, I received the following this morning:


Thanks for listening and thanks for taking the time to write. Sorry It’s taken me a whole day to get back. Wow. Where to start?

First, I think the label “anti-feminist” is not accurate for Mr. Horner. His desires and axes to grind go far beyond that in my opinion! In the eyes of the law, and reading the law verbatim, yes… he has a point and his gripe is legitimate. In the eyes of the written law however, I can still shoot an Indian off the back of a train I believe! Most people run things through a “common-sense filter” and that step seems to always be absent from Mr. Horner’s M.O. I disagree that this is a minor issue. I contend this is a NON-ISSUE. So it’s in the law that a public place can’t give something to one group and not to another, how bout we consider what’s being given and why. A free drink? No $3 cover charge that Mr. Horner took to the courts in Minnesota ? Come on. REALLY who does this hurt? So don’t go to the bar that does that. SHUT UP. What about the Rockies giving out bbq aprons to the first 20,000 men on father’s day? Better stop that tragic human rights violation. For God’s sake, no one better hand out roses to women on Mother’s Day or pink ribbons to women on breast cancer awareness day. It’s F’n ridiculous, in my opinion. As far as these small discrepancies in the law paving the way or leading to much bigger rights violations? Show me an example. When it gets bigger and to the point that something needs done… I have faith that the likewise overly litigious human rights groups that monitor this stuff could get their life’s work of fighting done then.

As for Mr. Horner personally? I’ve read this all started after his divorce which he felt didn’t go his way. Just a guess here, but, I perceive Mr. Horner’s attitude and courses of action leading to his being less than catered to by the courts. Don’t talk to me about fairness in the courts relating to men and women and divorce. I will match my story to anyone’s and it will blow the rest away. Only a statement I know, but it is unfortunately very accurate. For 2 years I was drug thru the mud, kicked, unfairly judged, mistreated, defamed, libeled, punished and overall f’d because of a lying conniving bitch that the courts and social services groups couldn’t get enough of. I stayed the course of common sense and today the tables are completely turned. The truth was agonizingly slow to surface because of legal red tape, but it got there. And the reason it got there is because I didn’t go off half cocked about how poorly and unfairly I was being treated and demand things change just because I said so.

Whatever time and energy Mr. Horner spends on fighting ladies night at bars and baseball parks, I’m sure that some other groups that are working towards positive change for society as a whole could really use his services. Pertinent men’s issues like Prostate Cancer, Alzheimers, War Vets, etc… Mr. Horner’s delusions of helping create a better society by performing the work that he’s doing is just that, DELUSIONAL.


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Roach may have been helped to get finally a seamblance of his way because he is sport writer so an influential portion of the media but did he do somethin about the way he he was treated to help so that it doesn;t happen to others.

Many people in powerfull positions get away easily so they take a stance Only I was wrongly troubled others must be wrong somehow.
Also they are not really troubled becuase they are part of the powerfull media and get kid gloves treatment from the legal systems so do not feel the full force of the mysandrist system. Is it that raoch was treated with kid gloves in the legal system.

For all his protestation she might have been only mironory inconvenienced rather then face the full blown attack faced by commoners

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It doesn't matter how minor an issue it truly is. This is gender discrimination. It's interesting how people can pander to females and have "women only" gyms, or "ladies nights", yet if they were to do the same for men, there would be a backlash from feminists.

I feel for Horner. My friends sometimes dis me for being an MRA, but it's only because they're ignorant and lack compassion. Hell, I say if they want to ridicule the ones fighting for them, if they become a victim of misandry, I'll just laugh at them. It would be poetic justice.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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