Female Bus Driver Faces Possible Charges for Assault on Student
Another "girl fight" story, caught on camera, with an adult woman involved. Watch it here.
People may ask why MANN reports on stories of "women behaving badly" so much. The reason is just this: People of both sexes apparently need to see the proof of the capacity of females to engage in dangerous, anti-social, and/or criminal behavior repeatedly to undo the prejudice that says that "women just don't do those things." It has to be repeated again, and again, and again, in order for it to sink in: Women are just as capable of violent, dangerous, criminal, etc. acts as men and do indeed engage in such behavior at rates comparable. It is only the fact that they are female that allows people to forget so quickly what they have just seen.
Double-think, as Orwell imagined it, comes in many forms, and the persistent but false belief that women can behave this way, or do so only with some "very good reason" (usually based on some purported reaction to what a man, or men, do), is one of those beliefs that we just need to keep hammering at.
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Hidden Indirect Violence
It is rather amazing that the "sugar 'n spice" myth about women continues to be believed, especially when any high school girl can tell you that the worst terrorism she faces is from other females.
Adolescent girls are less concerned about being raped than they are terrified of being uninvited to the next party and shunned by their best friends.
What girls lack in physical violence, they more than make up for in psychological aggression.
The Difference Between Women and Men and Violence
The difference between women and men when it comes to violence is that men will usually only become violent when made extremely angry regarding something they are passionate about (i.e. wife cheating), or when they are attacked. Women, however, become violent as a result of the slightest aggravation. Obviously, they've been conditioned to do so, as our society will rarely hold them accountable for being violent.
Regarding what happened in the video, I think that if you can't pay attention driving while someone's talking on their cell phone, you're not fit to drive a bus. As well, if you touch a student, same thing. The drivers who run the Transit Service where I live, have to put up with cellphones and much worse.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!