Ireland: Sport stars have backed plans to develop Munster’s first men’s health clinic.

Story here. Excerpt:

'Hurling legends Joe Deane and Tomás Mulcahy along with broadcaster and rugby pundit George Hook will front a gala charity function in Cork later this month to help raise funds for the clinic.
It will raise funds for the MUH’s Men’s Health and Prostate Cancer Fund, as well as raising public awareness of men’s health issues.
About 1,150 men develop prostate cancer each year in Ireland.

The figure is similar to the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer each year.

Prostate cancer is responsible for 500 deaths annually or 11% of all cancer deaths among men.'

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I'm glad that the Irish have taken innitiative in the fight against Prostate Cancer. I wish I could say the same for this stupid nation I live in, which uses ineffective blood tests to test for cancer and actually charges for the tests, while women get two tests for breast and cervical cancer free. What a load!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The premise behind socialized medicine is covering everyone equally.

Your government runs the healthcare system and has determined prostate exams aren't important. Don't feel bad, the entire global healthcare system has equated the value of one gender over another.

The US isn't much better. We spend a dis-proportional amount of dollars which favors female health. I say "We" because my tax dollars support this system.

Could you imagine if the longevity gap was reversed and men lived longer than women? It would become a world crisis with trillions spent to reverse the disparity. Humanity should be ashamed that many have determined the well being of a female supercedes that of a man.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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You'd think more would be done for men's health considering that we're more likely to die from heart disease, heart attacks, well, heart problems in general. I'm also pretty sure that men are more likely to develop several forms of cancer including colon cancer, and liver cancer. Not to mention that testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer among young men. Luckilly, it also has the highest cure rate. The only diseases I can think of which women are more likely to contract, apart from breast and cervical cancer, are yeast infections, and urinary tract infections. These aren't even capable of being fatal.

So, despite the fact that we're more likely to have serious health problems, more money is spent on women's health. It's no wonder us men have a shorter lifespan.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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But let's be positive. This is a great piece of news: a country wakes up to the fact that it has been neglecting men's health for too long, and is doing something to redress the balance. And just look at the support they are finding.

The second big plus is that it is one in the eye for feminism. They won't like what men are doing, but there is not a damned thing they can do to stop it. Good on you, boys!

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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The second big plus is that it is one in the eye for feminism. They won't like what men are doing, but there is not a damned thing they can do to stop it. Good on you, boys!

Oh yeah. You can bet your ass that most women(and their male servants) are up in arms over this.

Let Mr. Reality tell you a secret: Even though women are always the ones yelling "equality this and equality that" the loudest, they actually hate "real" equality. The average woman's self-created version of equality is the preferential treatment of her as a woman. What's hers is hers and what's yours is hers.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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I agree with both of you. I must say it does make me grin to think of a feminist getting angry because something's being done about the lack of funding for men's health. That in itself proves that instituation to be evil. Why would someone be angry over advances which would allow people to live longer? 'Cause they're evil, that's why.

And yes, we all know what feminists truly want. If it were up to them, men would only account for 10 percent or less of the population. But thankfully, it ain't up to them. And people aren't dumb enough to not be able to see through the BS that is preferential treament disguised as "equality". It really says something when a considerable number of MRAs are women. These women are like the anti-feminazis. I guess they're kind of like the allied forces which fought to liberate the concentration camps in WWII.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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