Please contact NH's Gov. Lynch re the NH Men's Commission

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'The terms of two people on the state Commission on the Status of Men expired as of Sept. 1. It's been almost half a year, and Gov. Lynch still has made no new nominations to replace them.
The women's commission has existed for 40 years, most of that time with full staffing and funding. The men of New Hampshire have a right to equal treatment not only by the Legislature but also by the governor.'

Contact information here.

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I live in a Western state, and if I send this guy an email, I can't with a straight face put "Concord" or something at the bottom of it (at least not with my name). And I sure the heck ain't gonna call, and have his secretary ask "please give me your name, address, and phone number so that the governor may respond.."

I don't know anyone in that state either. How about if I stand on the top of Mount Washington and yodel?


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