Female Teacher Allegedly Tapes Special Education Student to Chair

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Chicago teacher faces dismissal after allegedly wrapping masking tape around a special education student to keep him in his chair when he wouldn't sit down, authorities said.
The teacher was in a classroom of four or five students on Tuesday when one 9-year-old boy would not sit down. The teacher restrained him with the tape, Vaughn said.
"It appears the allegations will be substantiated and we will fire her," Vaughn said.

The unnamed teacher obtained her credentials last June, Vaughn said.'

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I'm glad that the teacher is going to lose her job. This story is as ridiculous as the one in which a five year old boy was sent to the psychiatric ward for misbehaving. What does it tell you about a flawed education system when the solutions teachers find to solve problems with students misbehaving are impractical, inappropriate, and not to mention more immature than the students who won't behave?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Instead of educating they indoctrinate. Any man that whines about the modern day educational system not doing the right thing will do so till his voice is hoarse. Women could care less as long as they are being pampered. Disagree all you want, but hell you're the one taking the butt plunging from girls.

Nitpicking at little things here and there is a bunch of bullshit and pretty useless. Hell men here whine about it all the time. Anything change? *Listens to the Silence*

Get at the source which is how the educational system is now geared towards giving women an edge rather than educating the dumb ass kids that go there.

Doting parents are still spending money putting their kids into what is no more than a feminist training camp. Let's bring up the gender scoreboard and see where we are at:

Women = 100

Dumb men = 0

You go girl!

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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When boys misbehave in class, they're more likely to be punished, whereas the girls get away with it. I can prove this from my own experiences. When I was in Jr. High, a girl kicked me several times, so I kicked her back. Guess who got in trouble? Yep, me. Did she? No, of course not! It's fine for girls to hit boys, apparently, but not for boys to defend themselves. It's like they're teaching them the upper hand they have in DV from an early age.

But with all due respect, Mr. R. Even though talking amongst ourselves about these problems sometimes isn't productive in fixing them, it is productive in helping to restore our peace of mind. Sometimes it helps just knowing that there are others like yourself out there.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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