Lolita love affair scandalises Italy

Story here. Italy is up in arms because a 34-year-old Italian man who had sex with a 13-year-old girl has had his sentence cut by a two-thirds because a court decided there was "real love" between the pair. Excerpt:

'However, Simonetta Matone, a judge in Rome, said the law must "always look to be reasonable in these cases".

She added: "Every relationship is a relationship and the real maturity, whether physical or psychological, of the minor must be weighed, with the help of experts."

The court decision has unleashed a wave of condemnation in Italy, and even authors of teen novels stepped forward to caution their readers against early sexual encounters.'


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A 2x-standard of outrage, indeed. Even so, the judge was wrong to cut the sentence to the point where she knew he'd do only time served. What he did was wrong, period. No excuse. But it is true that there is a huge 2x-standard with regard to the public-outcry-o-meter. Female preds get movie contracts, books, and you-go-girl attitudes from men and women alike. Male ones? They get what a predator (assuming he is actually guilty) should get.

And, a female judge, too. Hmmm... it has been suggested here and elsewhere that male judges are the feminists' best friends since they are very likely to act out of good ol'-fashioned chivalry.

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What is sex nowadays? Nothing more than a contact of two body parts, similar to the contact between palms during handshaking. So, 12 years for girls is ok for beginning sexual life.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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The judge was at least using commonsense.This wasn't forced sex nor was it seduction.It all depends on the sexual maturity of the girl and her own commonsense
and whether the 2 are likely to continue their romance
which,so far,has hurt nobody physically.Time alone will tell but at least a judgement was made that young women are not all "victims"and what good would it have done to her if his living had been taken away?

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It seems fairly obvious that there is a huge amount of denial and hypocrisy going on today as societies increasingly sexualize children (Hannah Montana etc.) and then condemn the results of that process.

The perp is a pedophile, plain and simple.

It would be interesting to know how Italy's global amnesty from jail program for sentences under three years is working out.

That is truly creative.

So, you could commit any of dozens of misdemeanors and minor felonies and never face prison?

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... as it is only men who think young girls are not sexual, and interested in sex. It's men, and to a much lesser extent old women (who fear the competition), keeping the age of consent laws so high and labeling things like this predatory and wrong. The average woman knows full well that girls are as sexually evaporative as boys at young ages.

In fact, it's chivalry and the 'daddies little princess' attitude part of it that created the label sexual predator, and is the most fiercely attacking of that type of thing, not feminism. Feminism, merely exploited that extremely MALE attitude for it's own gain. They know it's a crock of shit, they just like all the power (and funding) it brings in to exploit men's protective natures in that manner.

Not that I am agreeing with a sexual relationship between two people of this much age difference - I am a male and have the male protective instinct after all. But, I tend to agree with the judge on this one. Locking him up would have served no justice at all. I don't see how anyone at all was harmed here and the girls was obviously a willing partner and I do not believe in the whole not mature enough to give meaningful consent as consent is essentially a yes or a no. I do think there is a great risk of exploitation due to lack of knowledge on the part of the young person (which is why in general terms I am not in favor of such relationships), but that does not appear to be the case here.

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