Add Pepsi And Budweiser To The Ban List

Many of us watched the Superbowl ads, and many of us noticed two companies which really stood out because they allowed misandry to rear its ugly head in their advertisements. The companies are Pepsi and Budweiser.

In the offending Pepsi commercial, Justin Timberlake is rammed crotch first into a mailbox post not once, but three times. Although the manner in which this type of violence is performed is unrealistic, it still is violence, and advertisements should not try to pass this off as entertainment or comedy. Sadly, this is like Sesame Street compared to how bad the Budweiser ad is.

In the Budweiser ad, or more specifically, the Bud Light ad, a man gets his dog to fetch him a bottle of another man's Bud Light, then asks the other man what his dog can do. The other man then instructs his dog to bite the first man in the testicles as revenge for trying to take the Bud Light. I wrote Budweiser regarding this. My letter read:

Hello. I'm writing you because I recently saw an ad for Bud Light on YouTube, which I found to be most offensive. Other users said that this ad aired during the superbowl. The ad, which is often referred to as "good dog" tries to make light of the sexual mutilation of a man, as a dog bites his crotch (not to mention the owner of the dog instructs him to). I find this offensive, and misandric, because if this were to happen in real life, surgery could be needed to fix the injury. It's certainly not something that makes me want to laugh, nor buy your product. As well, I would like to add that your commercial implies that people who buy your product are more likely to be the vitims of violence. It's not good business practice to alienate half to all of your potential customers by portraying one of the worst fates they can suffer as comedy. Is this ad still running?

They replied:

We appreciate that you took the time to express your views regarding our advertising.

Anheuser-Busch has found using humor in our advertising to be extremely successful through the years. In various polls, consumers have rated several of our humorous campaigns among the most popular in advertising history. We’ve conducted consumer research on the ad you’ve e-mailed us about, and it has proven to be popular with adult consumers.

We regret that you did not enjoy these ads, but we do appreciate your input and will keep it in mind as we develop future advertising. While we realize that not all advertising will appeal to everyone, we thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

Again, thank you for contacting Anheuser-Busch. Please let us know if you have additional questions or comments.

This was nothing more than a blowoff (not even a fancy one). So I wrote back:

I appreciate your reply, but you did not answer my question. Is the ad still running?

I read on YouTube that it was banned. I regret to hear that people are ridiculously immature, to the point where that ad is actually popular. Could you imagine if instead you had women in the ad, and one woman's dog jumped up and bit the other woman's boobs or crotch? Obviously, this ad would not be welcomed. How about if the owner of the vicious dog was a man, and the victim still a woman? Or what if the man who got bit was black, while the dog's owner was white? Do you think this would fly?

I think it's about time that companies realize that using male bashing in their advertisements is not a good way to sell their products. Even if the ads are successful, they promote hate and violence, and try to pass it off as humour. This makes me sick. I have purchased Budweiser in the past, don't expect me to ever buy your products again if you continue running this ad. I will choose to buy other brands due to the fact that your company considers one of the worst forms of male suffering to be entertainment. I would also like to inform you that I will inform as many Men's Rights websites about this ad as possible, and get their members to boycott your products as well.

I'm going to send a letter to Pepsi as well, regarding their advertisement. In the meantime, let's do our part as MRAs and get those letters firing, and boycott these male-hating companies!

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Anheuser-Busch has found using humor in our advertising to be extremely successful through the years. In various polls, consumers have rated several of our humorous campaigns among the most popular in advertising history. We’ve conducted consumer research on the ad you’ve e-mailed us about, and it has proven to be popular with adult consumers.

It's not humor it's a vicious sexual assault depicted in a hateful manner, making it also a hate crime. That is socially irresponsible. I will never buy this product as long as this company promotes such evil in our society. I will also encourage my friends, in no uncertain terms to boycott this product for the reasons listed above. As abusive and hateful as this commercial is, and as stupid as the defense of this commercial is, I have to think a more appropriate name for this product would be "Bud-dumber."

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Interesting, I didn't notice Budweiser was already on the boycott list. Well, here's another offense to add to the list.

I completely agree with you, MR. I wish ad execs that suggest this type of thing be in commercials would suffer the same fate. Maybe then they wouldn't consider it funny. I especially agree with the part about it being a hate crime. That's why I compared the ad to one with women, and men of different races. Anybody notice how the victim of the attack also seems somewhat effeminate? Perhaps he's a homosexual? If that's the case, it really is a hate crime, in the truest sense of the term.

I guess Bud Light must kill a lot of brain cells considering their advertising department came up with that abortion.

I also think the Pepsi ad execs could have used more of their own Pepsi Max when thinking up the JT commercial. They're brains weren't fully functioning, that's for sure.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I've never been a fan of his music but he seems to be a well respected producer and musician. Why the hell would he star in such a ridiculous advertisement that makes him look like a fool? I blame Timberlake more than Pepsi. He could have said no. I think these commercials are geared more towards idiotic men who find groin shots funny. I really think women find them stupid. [ie: The Jackass Movies] How can groin shots be funny when a mans testicles produces sperm? The last time I checked is essential for human reproduction. I don't know maybe the fact that male genitals are exterior and perceived by some as a form of power has something to do with it. For feminists, its pure evil. Maybe that perceived power [possibly based on penetration] causes society to have less respect for a mans genital integrity. Andrea Dworkin compared the penis to a weapon. Simply a feminist afraid of male sexuality. Many of them are. By the way, RIP Dworkin!

Thankfully I drink Coke and Becks. NO sweat off my back!

"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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I don't drink alcohol so boycotting Budweiser is not a problem.

And as for soft drinks, I usually buy a store brand because they are the cheapest. So Pepsi and even Coke do not make any significant profit from me.

Finally, I haven't watched TV since Thanksgiving night last year and that was for a one hour holiday special. I miss watching all of the misandric retarded commercials that way.

I think I covered all of the bases in this boycotting effort.

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By the way, outstanding research necessary to expose these commercials!


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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The Bud Light ad is no longer running! Budweiser replied, informing me of this. I posted a story about it. Sorry for the misundertstanding I caused.

BTW, thx Anthony. I didn't really do much tho. I went on YouTube looking for the Superbowl ads I haven't seen, and came across that one. It was labelled as a Banned Bud Light Superbowl ad. Thus, I thought it was from this year.

As for JT being a jackass for doing the commercial, I agree Luek. I think men in the entertainment business that will allow themselves to be denigrated for money are jackasses. I also agree that it takes a feeble, immature mind to find groin shots funny.

And speaking of jackass, i always found that show to be pretty stupid, and I'm glad I'm not alone. People need to realize that it hurts to get hit in the groin for a reason. It's nature's way of getting men to protect their gamete-producing tissues from damage. I guess the people on jackass are too dumb to realize this. Oh well, when they try to concieve, it'll come back to haunt them.

BTW, Luek, I bet you'd really enjoy the film "Idiocracy". It's made by Mike Judge, the creator of Beavis and Butthead, and basically the storyline is that a man and a woman get frozen for 500 years, and when they wake up, everybody is as stupid as Beavis and Butthead. You'll laugh when you see what the most popular show is amongst the people in that movie. It's a good film. I really enjoyed it because it's funny and I felt I could relate to the protaganists somewhat. I bet all of us MRAs would enjoy seeing it.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Outstanding comedy!

There's a classic scene in the movie that's easy to miss. When he goes to the hospital and a man's in the emergency room because he can't get the sweater off his head. This isn't a male bashing [men looking like idiots] its hilarious. Its great acting skill.

An underrated male ability is comedy and making people laugh. Humor is a unique quality and vital aspect for society.

Sometimes we should celebrate our Strength!


"Time Is An Ocean But It Ends At The Shore"

[Bob Dylan]

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I think I missed that part, anthony. I'll have to watch it again. I agree, it is a great comedy. I also agree that males usually have a knack for comedy. I just wish that a lot of guys would come off of this obsession with the groin shot. I.E. Seth Green, Wayans Bros., Adam Sandler, etc.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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It's an old commercial. They already made their sales off of it.

Once again:

Women - 100

Men - 0

You go girl!

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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Same here i stick with local brews knowing it's supporting the local community and as for soda's i do like RC over the others. Bud i can't stand and dont know how people drink that stuff i guess it's the reason people end up in drug treatment it's garbage.

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The last Pepsi Commercial Made huge improvements in the TV. Actually the sales went up really high.

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How can you say such things? Pepsi is the best soda ever and Budweiser is the leader of the "Beer of the Month Club. It would be a crime to add these drinks to the ban list. Imagine what would all the consumers of this drinks say. It would be a real disaster.

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Should be boycotted! Lets got on the bandwagon! You can read more about my opinions about kitchen designs for vacation rentals over at my blogs. Also I have a blog about dating.

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With all due respect, Budwiser is crap. Give me an ice cold Becks anyday.

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With all due respect, Budwiser is crap. Give me an ice cold Becks degree
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They already made their sales off of it. Homeschooling | Get GED Online

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Indeed, Pepsi should be added to the ban list because it has a lot of consequences on people's lives, but what to do with those who are too addicted to it? If there could be a drug rehab center for that I am sure that there wouldn't be enough space for everyone.
ps: why Budweiser?

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