Woman gets two and half years for sex offences

Article can be read here.

Interesting development up here in Canada. A female sex offender is getting 2 and a half years recently for sexually assaulting a 12 year old boy. It's good to see justice being served in such cases for a change. What's particularly encouraging about this case is the opinions of both the prosecutor, Chris Nicholson, and the Judge, Margaret Stewart. Nicholson is quoted as saying in reference to the gender of the perpetrator, "in these days of "equality" [my quotation marks], it shouldn't make any difference". The prosecutor also said,"if a man committed a similar offence, he would almost certainly get prison time", and apparently the female judge agreed. Even more impressive is Judge Stewart's criticism of her not taking responsibility for the crime and laying the blame on her ex-husband.

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My favorite part of the story is how the female rapist/child molester blamed her husband and the 15 year-old for her choices:

"In her decision, Justice Margaret Stewart said it was hard to ignore the fact that Ms. Collins still hasn’t taken responsibility for her actions.

Instead the judge said, Ms. Collins is blaming her estranged husband and the boy, claiming they conspired to get her into trouble after the family moved to New Brunswick and her marriage fell apart."

Women NEVER take responsibility for their actions! It is illegal to require this!

The story also says they had sex over 100 times in the course of a year.

If a man had violated a minor-aged female child similarly, he would do life in prison, and the bare minimum sentence would be 12 years.

Chivalry always trumps justice.

Another excellent feminist textbook lesson indeed.

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...after all we hear all the time how boys develop and mature more slowly then girls and at 12 he'd just barely be entering puberty if at all so in this case I'd say that bitch is a pedophile.

I loved the comment in the original story that mentioned that she still has custody of her 5 kids and that no male child molester would ever get to keep custody of children.

At least the commenter's seem to fall distinctly on the side of equal treatment of female offender to the point where the paper actually changed the headline to read 'assaulted' instead of seduced...

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Well, obviously the woman deserved much more than 2 and a half years in prison, especially considering the lack of remorse she showed. And she didn't deserve to keep custody of her kids either. But, at least, she was sentenced and at least the female judge agreed that her gender should make no difference. A lot of women in the same scenario get off scot free. This is a step in the right direction.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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It's true that if she were a man, due to the large number of sexual advances she made to a young child and the lack of remoarse, she would definately get a lot more time. But like xtrnl wrote, many women get away with it, so it's justice served when considering that.

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