Feminists Say There Is No "Boy Crisis" in Education

The authoritative National Coalition of Women and Girls in Education (NCWGE) has issued a comprehensive new report (.pdf file) on the benefits of Title IX and "gender equity" in education. Among their findings:

“The real story is not bad news about boys doing worse; it’s good news about girls doing better. In fact, with a few exceptions, American boys are scoring higher and achieving more than they ever have before. But girls have just improved their performance on some measures even faster. As a result, girls have narrowed or even closed some academic gaps that previously favored boys, while other long-standing gaps that favored girls have widened, leading to the belief that boys are falling behind.”

Oh, I get it. If I just don't BELIEVE boys are falling behind, then I can start thinking clearly.

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Feminists have always been adept at finding and supporting "cherry picked" statistics. Feminists claim they support equality but their blatant hypocrisy suggests girls need special privileges which incorporates a feminist educational environment. Its never been about equality but rather a futile attempt at female superiority. I find this attack on boys insulting. Note to Gandy: Were talking about children! It really doesn't matter for feminist groups. Their hatred of males begins as soon as they enter school. They make me sick! Feminism: A politically correct hate movement


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Okay their logic is more than a little faulty.

First you have to assume that on average boys and girls are equally intelligent (which is generally true at primary and HS levels).

Let's break it down:
American boys are scoring higher than ever before (they are progessing at a rate of x)
American girls are scoring higher than ever before and progressing even faster than American boys (i.e. they are
progressing at a rate of 2x or 3x)

This would be fine if it were only in subjects in which girls were under developed (i.e. math and science) because girls started further back their achievements seem to go at a faster rate. But ultimately the boys and girls would end at the same level of achievement.

But to then go on to say "while other long-standing gaps that favored girls have widened" indidicates that there is a problem. Because if all things were being taught equally boys would be progressing at 2x or 3x in these subjects while girls would only be progressing at x in these subjects.

In their logic it's perfectly okay for the boys to be falling behind in certain subject. And this isn't a problem how?

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gosh what an impressive handle

"National Coalition of Women and Girls in Education".

let's see, last month's bunch of feminist "experts" was what

"something something of University Women"?

what's next, Universal Worldwide Gigantic Humongus Organization of Totally Competent and Honorably Good and Smart Women"?

the good news, i got one

affirmative action college paid for by government handouts for feminist pampered idiots. that's one i believe has standing.

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As cliche as it sounds, I blame the lack of equal representation in the classroom for boys falling behind. After all, who are boys more likely to listen to? A man, or a woman? I believe if there were more male teachers, the boys would probably pay closer attention and learn better. Of course, thanks to the horrific plethora of false allegations against male teachers, many men are deterred from teaching.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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that is what's coming next.

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If someone is going to say,

"Boys are not falling behind, the girls are just advancing faster", that implies that the speaker believes that when one says "boys are falling behind", that he/she does not mean "falling behind with respect to girls" (since otherwise, "girls pulling ahead faster" necessarily implies "boys falling behind").

Thus the speaker must believe that there is some optimal level of achievement, some independent educational goal (test scores or whatever), that is desirable for both boys and girls. So the speaker (feminist), by saying there is not a problem, must be saying, "if boys are approaching that goal more slowly than girls, there really is no problem.."

If the speaker were a reasonable person, as opposed to a feminist, he would at this point admit that since boys will take longer to reach the goal than girls (since they are advancing more slowly, and since it was stated that girls were already ahead in certain areas), that the boys need help.

However, the feminists, who are not reasonable, have come up with their argument hoping no-one will notice this fallacy of the logic. It really just amounts to a clever way of wording something, to pull the wool over our eyes.


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In Regards to Engineering Degrees:

"The real story is not bad news about girls doing worse; it's good news about boys doing better."


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Excellent deconstruction of feminist language and illogic, -ax.

Can you imagine this feminist author calling a horse race?

"Who won? We can't tell ... but there were some big gaps crossing the finish line!

Some horses were speeding up faster than others!

A couple of the horses were oppressed in the starting gate, so there will be equality in the outcome!"

Yikes what a stupid feminist planet we sadly inhabit.

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This report is just another monumental and irritating feminist whinge, dressed up to give it the impression of being some kind of great piece of academic work. But time and again its hopeless bias and infantile outlook shows through.

Look at the subject matter, carefully cherry picked to focus only on areas where outcomes for girls are worse. All the feminists' favourite hobby horses are dragged out and given another ride round - sexual harassment, where wild statistics are quoted as if they were gospel, with no credible backing; the supposed never-ending discrimination in every walk of life that is their sole explanation for every failure of females to match the achievements of males; the pathetic and disgracefully deceptive attempt to pretend that they actually care about the poor performance of boys...until they quickly change the subject and swivel the focus away again to concentrate on the only people who really matter, girls and women...

It's a dismal ragbag of a report, telling us next to nothing about the state of education in the US, but reinforcing the blinkered sexism of these female-supremacist dinosaurs, pathological wannabe victims, and out and out liars. If that is the best they can do, they need to go back and get a proper education where facts and logic are valued.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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PaulP. --

So, you really appreciated this report for all the right reasons, yes?

What really pisses me off is that I can't prevent my tax dollars from going to a sexist/fascist organization like this
C-word scam of a "commission."

Women actually get paid six figures a year to produce this toxic bile.

Maybe they should try to relocate their headquarters to Saudi Arabia?

Fertile ground for expanding feminism...

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These little piggy women will stop at nothing, will leave no propaganda resourse un-touched, to try and retain there super-matriarchy!!

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The best way to fight the feminist juggernaut, and her full conrol of what fragile American minds are exposed to, is to circumvent main stream media, which we can now with the internet!!

Send out lincs to people you know, and say, "hey I just came accross this site you may find interesting"...just do it!!

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While writing, I started visualizing a sprint toward a finish line, a race between a boy and a girl.

With the boy wearing lead shoes, of course ;-)

It might even be like Achilles and the tortoise, with feminists complaining that the girl (Achilles - having all the advantages) will never catch the tortoise (the boy, who supposedly started out ahead, but is now wearing lead shoes)


P.S. anthony, I'm not sure, but I don't think that works either :)

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