Where Are All the Battered Women?
Submitted by Roy on Tue, 2008-01-29 18:17
A curious British journalist asks:
"If one in four women are battered in their own homes, you would expect to see some evidence of it. If you work with eight girls in an office, two of them are being battered, or have been, or will be. Yet, where is the evidence? There just isn't any.
I'm not saying that DV never happens. It does. In fact, I've been on the receiving end of it myself. (What? You're a man! Impossible! You must have imagined it!)
The scale of the problem has been grossly exaggerated, and the facts grossly distorted by the feminist movement.
So why do they tell so many lies about it?
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Feminists are self-obsessed and totally shameless, but they are not stupid (well, not all of them). Considering the unbelievable things that come out of their mouths (with a straight face) coming up with some stock response would be child's play. Like this: ""That's because they only hit them where it doesn't leave any marks!""
The queen bees know what the truth is and shift into defence mode knowing full well that they can say just about anything without being questioned.
The drones truly believe the propaganda and don't bother to question the inconsistencies.
and let's not forget the billions uncle sugar throws at them to do with as they please.
The same logic could be used for battered men
Someone could say, "if men are 30% of the victims of DV, at least some of the injuries must be serious. But I've never seen any injured men in the office."
Don't provide fuel for our opponents.
I fact I even heard Larry King ask a similar question
On his show a few months ago about DV, he asked one of the guests, "where are all the battered men?" So it's already a time-worn argument.
Its quite sick that gender
Its quite sick that gender feminists have indoctrinated our police into meeting there male domestic violence arrest quotas.
In order to meet these feminist arrest quotas, police are arresting men who are simply fending off attacks from their girlfriends!!
David A. DeLong
It still amazes me that the average person still blames the female for the constructs of our social scientists. Society has implemented laws to serve industry since before the industrial revolution. In other countries our women are perceived as spoiled whining children, perhaps we need to educate them instead of letting them train us? The bottom line to all of the propaganda and training that we receive is to divide and conquer. Men and women have been pitted against each other to facilitate social change designed to improve our productivity, and reduce our individuality. The more we buy into the dogma of female hate the more we are helping the system keep us down; a rather interesting conundrum. Take note, our current system has been so effective that Russia is initiating a wellfare program based on ours so as to boost their flagging birth rate, to insure more expendable bodies for the system.
David delong, that's an
David delong, that's an interesting assessment!! You should elaborate more!
I'm not sure why you would say those things
The problem is not due to some massive social experiment. It is mainly due to ideologically-driven feminists who have successfully made huge changes to laws and legislation, to work in womens' favor. They have also created a situation in which all gender issues are defined by, and discussed from, the female viewpoint. These and other feminist measures have resulted in men and women being pitted against each other, which is a necessary step in obtaining what these feminists desire - the complete isolation of women from men.
I am only saying:
David A. DeLong
History is rife with examples of big business manipulating government in every developed country. If one reads The Oxford History Of The American People, followed by Howard Zinns History of the American People one might see a pattern. The history that is taught in our public schools is designed to produce Human drones. The family unit in most of the developed countries has lost the loyalty of family that has seen many people through hard times. We have been brain washed into becoming materialistic rat like creatures that run on wheels designed to kill us off quickly. The laws have been used to place children as the weapon of choice to subjagate the males. The first Bush signed an administartive order waiving the constitutional rights of the american male for the wellfare recovery act, therefore making that generation, and the following generations of males subject to wage slavery under the justice department. If a person realy thought about the circumstances I would think that they might become angry, angry enough to do something other than sit in a local tavern making someone else rich by drinking them selves to death and whinning about their circumstances. Just think, if Men's groups were to promote their members to resist civily; say when they are ordered to pay support, or if they don't receive 50% custody, why they then can start flooding the mental health centers claiming that because of their knowledge of their situation they cannot function. Time of from work for mental reasons, the cost to the corporations that many work for, the lost work time across the board. They could not handle the pressure. The system is designed to work with our docile cooperation, if Men's organizations would learn from a previous grass roots movement and fear the future more than the present, well we might just start to change a few things. What use knowing right from wrong if we don't have the courage to resist wrong?
David A. DeLong
If perhaps one is to study just the womens movement in this country without everything else that is happening, or that has happened; then leading people to blame one extremist group for everything that has transpired. The laws that were passed were backed by big money, corporations money, as almost all workplace laws, and family court laws were done since the beginning of our "civilized" society. Our Family Court Laws are still based on old English law folks. Who does this current situation benifit? The big money big business system. Women were taken from the home and placed in the work market through wellfare and legislation. Our gross national product grew with this. By the seperation of the most basic unit of Humanity we have thus become what we are now. My only suggestion is to think about who all this legislation benifits, and follow the money trail. Propaganda is still propaganda, whether it comes from a government backed agent or the news paper. How can I say these things, because I choose to think for myself and seek positive change.
MRA's are not just sitting in a tavern, all the other guy are
I think that, as Warren Farrell has said, the fathers' rights issue will be the first notable, visible success of the men's movement. I think the fact that lots of states now recognize Parental Alienation Syndrome, is a pretty significant step.
Here's the tavern scenario I see right now:
The MRA's are the guys on the TV, and they're doing a serious show; but the guys in the bar, who are watching the TV, are so drunk that they think it's a comedy, so they just keep laughing and pissing their lives away.
Time to Re-read (or maybe just) Read Marx
David A. DeLong has a commendable way of making connections and thinking in terms of the bigger systems of social misandry.
I appreciate his insights about the socialization of men into docility -- what I would call "total domestication" -- because that leads one to ask some deeper questions about feminism:
How does feminism fit into a broader (pun intended)system of social control/misandry?
If you look at it through slightly Marxist glasses, (no need to put on your Che tee-shirt), then you can very easily see how feminism as a means of threatening and controlling men is completely consistent with the need for corporations to have a ready supply of docile and fearful worker bees.
The Marriage/Divorce Industry figures into this big-time!
Isn't it interesting that right now in India, a traditional (no doubt evil) Patriarchal culture -- feminism is making massive assaults on the Indian family?
At just the very point in time that rapid industrialization (via the digital globalization and outsourcing of labor) is happening?
Personally, I have always looked at feminism as a sideshow, a distraction, and a hand-maiden for a much bigger idea...
Economically right now, America is in a race for the bottom standard of living against China and India -- that is called "being competitive."
In a few years, the girls at NOW will be pleading to get back to making 77-cents against the dollar, the rupee, or the yen or the Euro.
The only thing propping up feminism has been a strong U.S. economy -- and that era of imperialism is ending NOW.
Thanks Roy!
David A. DeLong
Roy, the reading of Marx is interesting theory, and yes some find it almost religous in it's design. But, it was written by an intellectual for intellectuals, with no place for the middle except servatude. I believe Humanitarianism would be more applicable for the future of the Human Race. We seem to be on the same page as to the current situation of almost all developed countries. As frustration sets in and futility seems the only sensible course, perhaps reason will overcome. Anyway Roy, thank you for fleshing out my attempt at creating some critical thought!
The most important thing for MRAs to think about right now is how feminism and the failed state of gender relationships fits very well into mens' planned subservience...
I learned a few years ago, this maxim --
"Theory makes us wise ... practice makes us free."
Think and do.
That is the history of masculinity, right?
Even if you've read Marx, there is still hope for you..I know...
If you give credence to Marx, here is a 5-step program to help cure you:
1)Take up excercise, yoga, meditation, or something else to air out your brain. Do it for 6 months consecutively. During this time, you are not allowed to read anything.
2)Read a couple of books on 20th century Russian history.
3) The next step in curing you is for you to read Karl Popper: "The Open Society and It's Enemies" [Vol I: Plato; Vol II: Marx (and Hegel I think)] - you may concentrate on Volume II only, if time is an issue.
4)Write the following phrase on the blackboard one thousand times: "The solution to Fascism is not Communism"
5)Begin to enjoy your capitalist society again, by making a list of everthing you have ever purchased, and its value. Walk through the supermarket.
Marxist Whorehouse
It is a shame that you and I cannot take a nice week-end trip to Cuba. (George Bush says that is illegal.)
You would love it.
There is a big statue of Karl Marx, right next to the best whore house in Havana.
Capitalism/Marxism at its finest.
It's the complications and contradictions that matter, -ax!
Keep your eye on the ball.