RADAR ALERT: Are You Ready For Some Football ... Mythology?

It's Super Bowl time, and you know what that means. Wings, beer, new commercials, more beer, play stealing, and, oh yeah, domestic violence mythology. There's a statistic that's trotted out this time of year – "More women are victims of domestic violence on Super Bowl Sunday than on any other day of the year" – that has no basis in fact but is fervently believed and/or promulgated nonetheless. See just one example here.

And more than a decade after it was shown to be a fabrication, the people who make our laws clearly still believe it. Read one example of this here.

Snopes.com, the scourge of urban legends everywhere, has a good article on the apparent origins and subsequent debunking of the myth.

According to the folks at Snopes, "The claim that Super Bowl Sunday is 'the biggest day of the year for violence against women' demonstrates how easily an idea congruous with what people want to believe can be implanted in the public consciousness and anointed as 'fact' even when it has been fabricated out of whole cloth."

Even though the claim has been thoroughly discredited, it's so immediately plausible to those already inclined toward anti-male ideology – inside every man is a slavering beast waiting for a surge of testosterone to be released – that it gets repeated as fact.

So, everyone, please be on the lookout for the spreading of Super Bowl mythology. If your local media spreads the myth, please tell them to check the Snopes article mentioned above for a factual account.


Date of RADAR Release: January 28, 2008

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R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting
– is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women
working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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"Calls to domestic violence shelters jump by over a 40% increase on Superbowl Sunday..."

That could mean two calls instead of one.

And if the girls would just fetch the chips and beer and chicken wings -- and not stand in front of the widescreen TV with their wide butts -- this national epidemic would be solved immediately.

Seriously, this hoax was debunked several years ago. (The DV myth, not the part about big butts blocking the view of the game....)

"Baby move ... move baby! Oh man, where's the tee-vo remote?"

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Super Bowl Sunday has become an unofficial holiday. It draws millions of parties and families gathering around the TV. Its also a day when male athletics dominate the world stage. A sport based on speed, strength, courage, and intellect.

So what are feminists to do?

Similar to what they did to Valentines Day [V-Day] Manipulate society with the fallacy that all men beat women while ignoring male victims of domestic violence.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Giants 24 Patroits 21


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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You know, it's bad enough that we now have to endure fluff-headed bimbo "sports commentators" doing all those sideline bits in their underwire push-up bras.

Why do women feel entitled to invade & engulf every last male space on the planet?

Except, of course, being drafted and slaughtered in wartime.

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It could be that the average women is such an attention hog, that she's jelous of the 2 hr's that men spend together...
In the 50's and 60's womens groups broke up mens social networks( in the name of breaking the patriarchy) to keep men divided and conquered..

It's an affront to there femi-fascism to see males together and talking to one another, so they had to come up with some form of women-as-victim agit-prop!!

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as advertised on the foxnews.com website....

Change the story of women, indeed.

women abuse and murder more children than any other perpetrator in american homes.

women are as guilty of violence in relationships as men, as documented in over 120 academic studies.



Domestic Violence is a problem, yes.
But women are just as culpable as men and they kill far more children than men. Please DO! change the story of women. We all need it!

oregon dad

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Giants 24 Patriots 21

I think both Matt and Scott are from New Hampshire. Tom Brady needs a smack in the face! Infact I'm sick of New England. The Red Sox and Patriots have depressed this NY fan! The 2008 Red Sox cannot compete with the Yankees crop of young pitchers. Boston should fear: Joba Chamberlain, Phil Hughes, and Ian Kennedy.

It gets worse..The Celtics are a dominate team this year!!!!

Hockey? Its all about the Flames!


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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a 30 second ad that show this graphic -


With the following message:

"Murdering Children is Domestic Violence"

oregon dad

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I'm doubtful about that score, Anthony. Personally I think it was good news for New England when Green Bay lost, 'cause they were probably the only team that could beat New England.

But oh well, my team didn't even make the playoffs (it's depressing to be from Houston right now), so let's have a good game and may the best team win.

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He wrote that recent book you may have heard of, something like "Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity..". I actually bought the book a couple months ago and saw an entry in there for Superbowl Sunday (about how the feminist stat was bogus).

I only read a few of the entries in the book before I tore it up and threw it out, because Stossel had at least one misandric entry, which turned out to be one of the first entries I got to as I was thumbing through the book. It really did piss me off, so I literally tore the book in several places along the binding, then threw it out.

$15 or so down the drain, but at least I learned to brush instead of using mouthwash (it says mouthwashes have so much alcohol in them, that they dry out your mouth, which creates a breeding ground for bacteria, which then causes more bad breath. I don't know, though - it seems like you could use the mouthwash, then just rinse with plain water a few times, or sip on a cup of water or juice until the dryness went away).


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It says "businesses don't rip people off". Tell that to anyone who's ever had his car "worked on". Maybe Stossel rides a bicycle.

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It's all about separating the group. Slowly but surely, it's becoming taboo for men to meet together. Sports was always a male thing so that must be "shared." Whether it be women competing in men's tournaments in golf or getting into NASCAR races. Women are still allowed to have their own divisions where men aren't allowed in, however. It's only "fair" right?

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