England: "White Men Are Banned"
Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2008-01-26 18:30
Story here. Excerpt:
"FIRE chiefs were accused last night of discrimination by trying to ban white men from joining up.
They were condemned after barring white males from recruitment sessions in an attempt to boost ethnic minority and women applicants.
The bosses held five open days to attract new recruits – with four strictly limited to either women, ethnic minorities or both. They insisted they had acted lawfully. But the move sparked outrage among MPs, serving firefighters and racial equality groups."
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Woo Hoo!
I'm not cheering because of this ridiculous white misandry, but because this story is proof that it exists. This will help my "Males: Hate Crimes Defenseless Victims" blog. Thanks, anthony.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
This kind of thing is not good
Hardwork will make people recognise you not gender or race.
You do not need a special forum at all .
worked in UK in 1998
I have been in UK in 1998 and 1999. My experience has been phoenomenal. I have never faced more friendly ,decent,polite and mannered folks. I still miss my days in UK . That has been the best days of my life.
I remember I was compeltely drunk one time and walked back 3 km to home as I coulldn;t find a transportation home and a policeman cathes me . "Need hailp mait" .midland accent. I say policeman is the mans second best friend after a dog of course. The brit police took it with complete sportive.
I wonder if I had said it in my country I probably wound up with nice little wounds in head and other places.
England is Great
2 years ago I did a brief tour of Europe. I spent 3 days in England and had a great time. Unfortuntely the UK has contributed a great deal towards global misandry. It's not solely based on their culture but rather feminism and political correctness. Dare I say chivalry was born in Great Britain, or at the very least has prospered in modern England. Al Gore = Global Warming------MANN = Global Misandry!
"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"
[Rolling Stones]