911 Tapes Released in Former Beauty Queen's Ex-Boyfriend Torture Case

Story here.

To listen to the tape simply look for the link above the womans picture. I thought the 911 operators were completely incompetent.

"Tucson police have released the recordings of several 911 calls that were made last month in connection with the kidnapping and torture of a former Pima County beauty queen’s ex-boyfriend.

In the recordings, callers reported hearing gunfire along with a man screaming for help.

Kumari Fulbright, 25, a UA law student who has since been suspended from school, is accused of kidnapping the 24-year-old man, binding him with plastic cable and duct tape and holding him captive in two homes."

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That pic of her needs to be on every billboard outside high schools and colleges to serve as a warning. A before-meth pic and a one-month-later-after-meth pic. No excuse, but an explanation no one ever wants to have to make.

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I submitted this story so you guys can get a look at her mug shot! Oh my God!!!!!

"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Oprah will name her next school for girls in Africa after Kumari.

She has the required attitude down!

And some useful skills with duct tape.

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This pic is in this story dated 1/10/08. The story's title? "Law Student 'Traumatized' by Torture Allegations: Fulbright's Parents Defend Her Against Charges She Kidnapped, Tortured Ex-Boyfriend"

Yes indeed, it's all made up. The 911 tapes are lying. Are you going to believe this poor victimized young woman, or your LYIN' EARS???! [Although to be fair, on 1/10 the tapes hadn't been released. I am wondering though what sort of chance her ex-bf would have had in a he said-she said match without those tapes.]

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........An insanity plea bargain. When will women be held accountable for their actions? Female criminals are considered insane when the majority are simply bad individuals. For some reason our society seems to sympathize with female criminals. Just look at Mary Winkler on Oprah.

Unfortunately our feminized/pussified judicial system will find any excuse to justify a females behaviour.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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After listening to the tape I noticed the caller was re-directed to at least 5 different 911 operators. How much time was wasted? If it was a female screaming and asking for help would have it become more of a priority for the 911 employees?

Apparently the situation that occurred is indicative of a needed overall of their emergency response network. Maybe some gender equity training would help their competence. Humanity is sacred and should be protected as a single entity, not equating the value of one gender over another.


Giants 24...Patriots 17.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Violence by proxy..(lynch mob), the womens specialty!!

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One must ask themselves, do other countries deal with the issue of males being lynched by Ex-girlfriends, and their lynch mobs..or is it just America!!
Bold Academics should do a study of this, but feminist controlled Academia would go nuclear if anyone tried to get funding to do research on this!!

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It would make a fine counterpart to the study which found that women are just as violent as men. The study could also look at how "vengeful" wives and girlfriends always say one of three things to try to justify their behaviour; 1. He was abusive/raped me/stole from me 2. I was not in my right mind/drunk/high/insane or 3. "Insert male accomplice's name here" made me do it! It's become a litany with female criminals. It's also amusing how the excuses they come up with are like the ones a five year old would when caught doing something he knows he shouldn't be. Apparently, some actually write articles advocating criminals who act like children. The article alluded to which mentions the allegations against her to be "false" indicates this.

As for the mug shot, EWWWWW! Beauty Queen? She actually makes Janet Reno look attractive, and I didn't think that was possible.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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