Police: Mother Tried To Kill Son Before Killing Herself

Story here.

Is it any surprise the term clinically depressed is mentioned by the third paragraph? Excerpt:

"On Thursday, they laid out in elaborate detail the story of how the clinically depressed Tegtmeier carefully made sure she was home alone with her 20-year-old autistic son, tried unsuccessfully to kill him and then committed suicide.

Investigators said on Jan. 4, Tegtmeier called Ankeny Schools at 7:30 a.m. and said her son Rory Jr. was sick and she cancelled his bus pickup. Tegtmeier also called a siding company that was coming to work on her home and told them not to come because of a family matter. She then called her husband at his Ames office and left a message that she could not keep their 11 a.m. lunch appointment.
During interviews with Rory Jr., 20, who has autism, investigators learned that Rory Jr. struggled to get free from the cord and forcefully pushed his mother away. He then hid in the basement, later telling investigators he was scared of his mother."

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