UK: Lover 'took revenge in bedroom for cheating'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A soldier was handcuffed to a chair and then tortured by his jealous girlfriend, a court was told.
Sipping champagne, Nicola Clunies-Ross smiled at the man and told him, “I am going to destroy you”, as she allegedly sexually assaulted him in an hour-long ordeal that was photographed and videotaped.
The court was told that Mr Gurdulic took photographs and short videos of the attack and threatened to publish them on an army computer hard drive, accessible to all soldiers, if the soldier did not do as he was told.'

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Here is undeniable proof that that is a load of crap. I think this woman deserves the same punishment the man would have gotten had the situation been reversed. Rape is rape, regardless of who does it. And as for Gurdulic forcing her to do it, he was the accomplice, not the main perpetrator.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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'A soldier was handcuffed to a chair and then tortured by his jealous girlfriend, a court was told.
Sipping champagne, Nicola Clunies-Ross smiled at the man and told him, “I am going to destroy you”, as she allegedly sexually assaulted him in an hour-long ordeal that was photographed and videotaped.
The court was told that Mr Gurdulic took photographs and short videos of the attack and threatened to publish them on an army computer hard drive, accessible to all soldiers, if the soldier did not do as he was told.'

The story sounds dumb. It's like one of those B-movies with the Baldwin brothers and a fat white skeezer wearing clothes too small for her. I can't get mad over this.

This strikes me as more of an idiotic, consensual sick sex game than an actual case of misandry. I may be wrong but I think both of them are sick in the head.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but you may have mistook the article. Mr. Gurdulic was not the man being tortured, he was the man who showed up later to help her torture the victim.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the woman got the idea from one of her cheesy misandrist chick-flicks that she loves so dearly. Lifetime channel is full of "he cheated on me" movies where the guy gets 20 minutes of cheating in and the rest of the movie is the g/f screaming. Do women really love watching this crap...days on end?

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