Czech Republic: Men suffer from domestic violence as much as women

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'Prague, Jan 14 (CTK) - The term of domestic violence does not necessarily have to invoke the picture of a battered woman since the number of maltreated men is almost equal, and every third Czech man has experienced some kind of domestic violence, the latest issue of the weekly Tyden writes.

While dozens of studies focusing on male victims of domestic violence have been made abroad, only one survey on this subject has been conducted in the Czech Republic, without the media even noticing it, Tyden writes.'

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I'm not. After all, here in the western world, more than half DV cases are against the man in the relationship. This is a fact that people aren't going to be able to hide much longer.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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It's about the fact that a major media source publicized it. *That* is what's rare and that's why I post these types of articles when I see them. We need to keep each other award of signs of progress even if they're small ones.

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"I'm not. After all, here in the western world, more than half DV cases are against the man in the relationship. This is a fact that people aren't going to be able to hide much longer."

They won't be able to hide it much longer if we keep tellin everyone!!

Tell a friend about do it!!

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And BTW, in my previous comment, I was just saying that it doesn't surprise me. Obviously the post is important. I'm glad to see we're making progress.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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thank you for the post.

we must all keep up the good work. the more feminists and their lackeys make excuses, scream and try to stop and censure us, the more they expose the lies they have been telling for 30+ years.

notice how feminists have been said to be silent on this issue or that lately in the msm? feminists need only open their mouths and get publicity. they know every time we expose some arena where they have had their way, the more the truth about their evil is exposed.

KEEP HAMMERING. it is working. what we must repair is the damage done to the very foundations of our respective countries, families, churches, and legal systems for future generations. it is going to take time, patience and extreme diligence by all of us to make these changes permanent.

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