Police say girl lied about school attack

Story here. Excerpt:

"A sixth-grade girl at Perry Hall Middle School lied about being sexually assaulted this week in a school restroom, Baltimore County police said yesterday.

Based on their investigation, police concluded that the incident did not occur, said Bill Toohey, a county police spokesman.
The girl described her alleged attacker as a construction worker employed on a renovation project at the school, but police determined that he had no involvement, Toohey said.

Police said their investigation included interviewing the girl and the worker and reviewing video from one of the school's 18 surveillance cameras."

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"Even if a school is a good school, bad things can happen. Instead of waiting for something to really happen, they should make some changes."

Newsflash for the parents. Something bad already happened, you just aren't worried about it, because it didn't affect your precious snowflake.

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Isn't it funny how after the first few sentences of the article, the writer goes on to make it look like the kids are at risk, even though no child was actually harmed? They don't show remorse for the man falsely accussed, nor do they chastise the girl for lying about being raped. Quite frankly, I think lying about rape is a real insult to the true victims. Fortunately for the 11 year old girl, she wasn't charged, thanks to the ageist sexist justice system. So, what's going to stop her from lying about this type of thing again? One does not have to look far to find a horrific gender-biased double standard staring them back in the face.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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who says our kids aren't learning anything? this young girl has perfectly emulated her elders.

no harm done? wanna bet how this wrongly accused man felt, or was originally treated? i hate these crooked lawyers but i would sue if it were me. no wonder her parents were playing nice.

and 10 years from now when she is successful in her next false alarm ,this incident will be hidden from her next victim. this was just a practice run. doesn't cost her a thang, like her mentors. she is already showing her stripes.


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