India Post: "Draconian 498- a law that affects NRIs"
Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:
'The Domestic Violence Act which was passed in 2005 at the instigation by radical feminist groups, especially the National Commission on Women, who have the quiet sponsorship of the ruling party in India. This law states that "only a woman can file a complaint against her male partner". A man who is a victim of domestic violence has no recourse under the law.
And comprehensive studies by various groups have found that women are no less abusive as men in intimate relationships - yes even in India. Giving such sweeping legal powers to women also tends to give quite a few of them the opportunity to take advantage of the law and hold men to blackmail and legal terrorism. This part of the law is nothing else but systematic legal victimization of men as it is one sided and withholds legal protection to male victims.'
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A New Law Which Contradicts...
Our Constitutions (U.S. and Canadian),
The U.S. Bill of Rights, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,
[I know these don't apply to India, but I'm just saying that their society is pretty backwards compared to ours, which is also pretty backwards, and that's saying something.]
But this one does apply to them, the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights.
Way to go India for setting your people back 5000 years!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
The main consequences of this new feminist tyranny imposed upon a traditional, patriarchal culture already reeling from the pressures of modernization will be an increase in female infanticide, more honor killings, and an Indian version of the "marriage strike."
Watch and see.
Pre-emptively eliminating your potential enemy is an ancient human trait when one is threatened sufficiently...
But then, feminists are demonstratively poor at dialectical thinking, so what can an un-chivalrous man do?
This is as rediculous as the
This is as rediculous as the law stating:
"There is no such thing as indecent exposure for women"
Which opened up that cop sting not long ago, where a women cop, naked on a beach askes the man to expose himself to her, and then he gets arrested!
Same shit is gunna happen in India, suddenly there will be domestic violence calls everytime a women gets mad at her husband. There is no way lawmakers are blind to this. Which leaves us with only one answer, they want feminism, they have an agenda.
Hello socialism, hello one world govt, good bye to human rights!
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This is what happens when
This is what happens when you take a sweet-smelling concept like "equality" and take it to perverse extremes. The more "equality" they attempt the less they'll have.
Leave men in charge of their families; life is best for everybody that way.
Gentleman, I am un aware of
Gentleman, I am un aware of indian culture, so i cannot say if this is a real problem, or a straw man attack, agit-prop technique??
I have heard that feminazi are looking to expand to other countries as well as the U.S.
The question for the next few decades or so will be...
Yes, it all makes sense now
I always wondered how people could be dumb enough to allow a one world gov't, but now I see how it would be possible. You're right, Dutch. Feminazis already have beliefs which are strikingly similar to Hitler (hence the term feminazi duh), but their beliefs also defecate on Christianity, I've noticed. A goddess... please. God made man first. That means he's male. I'm not saying women aren't as important in saying this obviously, but I think God is truly disgusted with the misandry in the world, as it's kind of against him too. Regardless of how it happens, a one world government will happen, but I'll be damned if it's a feminazi regime. Let's take down the bitches!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Scottkirk, yes it is getting
Scottkirk, yes it is getting very bad in India already. The culture has been tossed on it's head because of western influence.
xtrnl, glad you understand, seems this view has been largely overlooked by men in general, they see the hate and the double-standards, but often miss the bigger picture.
Feminism is simply a political tool to create socialism. The tactic of choice is fear. That's why you hear the word 'rape' constantly, and all the false statistics out there, that keep feeding the fear into women.
The result, women prefer a liberal/socialist state. And it's women who control most of the money and the votes. Women feel protected when the govt continues to make more and more laws restricting our basic freedoms.
All of this is targeted at the male, the head of household, the only thing standing in the way of a socialist state. By taking away his family, his right to bear arms, all his free time because he is working constantly, leaves the govt a clear path to complete control.
Russia and China are prime examples that socialism does not work, but there are just to many greedy people that will not let the idea go.
(Website url commin soon)
The mentality of the klan.
The KKK mentality was largely the thought process of a woman. Group rights, group offenses, laws restricting freedom for certain people, hate spread via media channels, etc.
Remember the WKKK was responsible for spreading the hatred the klan was based upon. The men were simply the "enforcers" of this hatred, just as they are now. This klan mentality is nothing more than the mentality of an unrestrained woman. She only wants her group women(think whites) to be taken care of and to have rights, men are monsters and rapists and need to be restrained, unless they are working in the woman's house that is(Men represent blacks and the house nigga in this modern equation).
I can't believe people were so dumb to fall for it again, yet they have. Women have brought the klan back and people supported it -- again -- just as they did all of those years ago. The difference? This time it is called "feminism" and "equality."
The domain of Mr. Reality
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
God the Mother
I am an atheist so whatever fictional gods you wish to believe in really do not disturb me.
But you probably know that the Christian churches in America have become a bastion of feminist doctrine, where the few men who still attend services are treated to male-bashing sermons by the metrosexual preachers who fully know that their salaries depend upon catering to women.
Men are fleeing from formal religious affiliation, and that ties in quite logically to the feminist roots in Marxism, and the strategy to destroy family and all its foundations. (The Family Courts are just a secular version of what is going on in churches today...)
There is no sanctuary for an MRA in the mainstream of Christianity, is there?